DD3D studio - Maritime 3D visualizations

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by koberko, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. koberko
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    koberko New Member

    My name is Dejan Kober and I'm CEO at DD3D studio.
    I have posted here before showing some of 3d visualizations related to maritime industry (unfortunately, I can't update old topic due to it being to "old"), so, I'll like to share some of latest things that we did in form of short demo reel video and offer our 3d visualization services to all that might need them:

    And to quickly describe what we do; we produce all sorts of 3D animations for all uses, and lately we have specialized in producing animations and 3d still images for maritime segment. We offer professional, fast and cost effective service tailored for specific clients needs.
    If you can think it, we can visualize it!

    Also, I'll like to invite you all to visit our new website:

    For any questions, you can contact us via our contact form: http://www.dd3d-studio.com/contact/

    Or send email to me directly at dejan@dd3d.hr, or simply reply here to this topic; I'll be more then happy to answer any questions.
  2. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    You did some nice job there, my compliments.
    I am currently working on the engineering part of that Scenic Cruise ship in the video. ;)

    I saw the video of Scenic a couple of months ago, during one of many meetings. We were all pretty impressed by the quality of the presentation. Now I know where it comes from. :)
    Good luck for the future!
  3. koberko
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    koberko New Member

    I'm glad you like it! We are actually working with Scenic for some time now; we did CGs for almost all of river cruisers (mostly just placing 3D ship on real background for brochures).
    But this Eclipse promo video was very much different and challenging, and we love things like that :) Last month before presentation, we basically lived in office (I wasn't home nither for Christmas or for New Year), but it was all done for presentation in January.
    And while we are at it, I might share that video here also:

    Just to note, that all scenes beside one with Dubrovnik, are 3D scenes that we produced, so we didn't use real backgrounds or images (except that with Dubrovnik), but we instead went for all 3D to get flexibility and freedom with scenes and camera movement. Also, I have to note that interiors were designed by Scenics design team; we did rendering of their design and animations.

  4. koberko
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    koberko New Member

    I'll like to share couple of our recent projects related to maritime industry:
    Ferry 3D rendering for local Croatian company:

    Yacht 3D renderings for Kubo Group

    And one video, not directly related to maritime segment, but it shows some of our architectural projects:
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