Dark Harbor

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Jammer Six, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    Why is the Dark Harbor 17 considered a difficult boat to build?

    I've been studying the plans, and I don't see it.
  2. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Difficult to build relative to what other boats by who?
  3. PAR
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    When you get to putting in the aft 1/3 of her ribs, you'll know why. There's lots of other reasons why this is a challenging build and some building experience would point out much of it, like drilling those keel bolt holes accurately enough, to hang the ballast where it belongs.
  4. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    I suspect that's the key. I think the people who have called it difficult are comparing it to stitch and glue.
  5. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

  6. PAR
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    I've drilled and installed hundreds of drifts and keel bolts over the years Jammer . . .
  7. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member


    Then why do the keel bolts in the Dark Harbor concern you so?
  8. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    That's what I thought.

    So the question stands.

    What is it about the Dark Harbor 17 (or the Dark Harbor 12) that is viewed as such a problem?
  9. Grey Ghost
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  10. PAR
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    There's nothing about a DH 17 that concerns me, though you seem to have some. This is a traditional build, full of all the issues associated with it. To some maybe overwhelming, to others just the cost of doing business for a yacht such as this. If you've never drifted bolts like this, you'll quickly learn new, inventive was to curse after you have.
  11. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    The bolts are a non-issue.

    I had heard other folks talking about the Dark Harbor, so I thought i'd ask here.

    So far, PAR is the only one who has problems with it.

    I'll look for Glenn.
  12. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Drilling long holes is always a difficult task. There are jigs and guides you can build to help, but it is one of the things where amateurs often fail. If the hole is not straight the drift may be hard or impossible to drive in. On the other hand, a hole that is too large will let the drift get loose. Also, drifts have to be driven with a sledgehammer relatively fast or it will jam. Normally you can tell if the drift will hold by the ring it does when you hit.
  13. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Jammer, You asked the question. Why are you offering PAR an "answer" to a question he never asked?

    The premise is laid out here; what did I miss?

  14. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Jammer is known for his often ambiguous or even cryptic posts here. It's a very rare occasion of his helpful participation.

  15. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    I'm glad it helped you, PAR.
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