Dan Arena boats

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by BoatMon, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Have you been to FiberGkassics. http://www.fiberglassics.com/

    Go to site, click on Boat Info and select Brochures and Literature. Scroll down and select Arena Craft
  2. ksibew
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    ksibew New Member

    My father ordered a 20 ft. inboard from Tahoe Keys Marina and his buddy ordered the 18 ft. model at the same time. They were great ski boats and plenty fast on Lake Tahoe. They were both ordered with the 427 c.i. Chevy engine.
  3. mmcd
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    mmcd New Member

    I think that I am in the process of restoring your dad's buddies boat. It is a 67 Bonito with a 427. Lil' Audrey III is painted across the stern. If this is the boat I would love to hear the history. thanks
  4. ksibew
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    ksibew New Member

    His boat was named Wicked Wink and my dads was named Purple Haze. Both were ordered through Tahoe Keys Marina on the south shore of Tahoe. If you have pictures, I would love to see them.
  5. Keith Campbell
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    Keith Campbell New Member

    55-56 Arena Craft Barracuda

    Good morning John G.: I have a 1955-56 ARENA CRAFT Barracuda that I am thinking of restoring or selling. If you have any interest please call me at 810 329-4372 to discuss same. I live in St.Clair, MI 48079 which is only about 25 miles from where this older ARENA CRAFT was built. Please let me know. Regards: Keith Campbell
  6. mmcd
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    mmcd New Member

    I have lost storage for a 1967 bonito set up for big block chevy,deck needs new gelcoat & interior needs redone. With or without rebuilt 402. Boat originally had 427.Otherwise complete & original. If interested please contact me @ 775-690-1026
  7. BigDaddyUSMC
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    BigDaddyUSMC New Member

    1961 ARENA CRAFT BOAT For Sale , taking offers

    1961 Arena Craft Boat For Sale , taking offers
    I'm not expecting a lot for this boat. I just don't have the time or money for a boat.

    The Boat is in Very Good condition , needs some work , BUT a EXCELLENT place to start a project.

    This boat HAD a 312 ford motor , BUT it has been removed & isn;t included in this sale.
    Email to CCHENOWTH@COX.NET if you want to see photos
    The Boat is in San Diego

    Posted: Dec 12th 2006
  8. MPJ
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    MPJ New Member


    Forgive me if this is off topic, I am fairly new to the boating scene. I just happened upon this thread and remembered a "Barracuda" for sale. Is this the Barracuda that is mentioned throughout this thread? The ad says it's a 1959. If this is not it, just disregard the inexperienced "new guy". If this is the right "Barracuda" and you are interested in buying this boat, simply go to Craigslist.com Minneapolis, MN, boats and search for Barracuda. He is asking for $450. I have no interest in the sale, just passing it along.
    Best Regards,

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  9. ksibew
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    ksibew New Member

    If you have pictures, I would love to see them. I'm interested in this boat..You can send any info to ksibew@yahoo.com
  10. Spiderfarm
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    Spiderfarm New Member

    Kit Arena Nick Arena, A little help please.
    I recently boat a 1955,56 Arena Craft on Ebay, but it had been converted to an outboard and all the deck hardware and trim had been removed. The Barracuda exhaust through hulls and the Barracuda dash name plates are gone The windshield is a light replacement, and the dash had been "filled and the steering is also likely to be replacements. So I got a Bare hull.

    Pulled up the replacement floor and found no evidence of where the original engine was located or where the stuffing box, or rudder shaft goes. My hull has no fuel tankage, So, I would like to know Where the fuel tank goes, What shaft angle , shaft diameter. and propeller size I should reinstall to get balance and performance. I plan on installing a Chrysler 318 @225 HP.

    Hope to hear from you nick If this hotmail account is still live...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have put some pictures on Fiberglassics.com site as I started this project.


    Larry Truthan. Warpedwake@hotmail.com
  11. Spiderfarm
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    Spiderfarm New Member

    I Posted the above message after getting failed mailer responses to Seafury24@hotmail.

    I got Dave Gerr's "Propeller Handbook" nd have some awareness of the need to get shaft angle running through or under the boats finished center of gravity.

    Without tankage location, engine location, stuffing box, shaft log and rudder locations, setting up the center of gravity on this project could be a neat accomplishment.

    I have the brochure which claims 2300 lbs. I have the RH Chrysler 318 which is roughly 41 inches from the crank pulley to the propeller shaft flange behind its velvet drive. The hull boot stripe is maybe 3 inches above the rear chine. The brochure claims 23 inch draft.

    A friend with a late model Malibu Ski boat Claims he runs a 13X13 Prop on an 1.25 inch Shaft (And with 325 HP cant do 50 MPH) -Different Hull.

    Some portions of the brochure may be marketing "puff", but given the racing history of Dan Arena, Maybe my hull will do 50 MPH.

    I have seen pictures of other Arena Barracuda's in the water, at idle speeds and it appears the bow rides low with just a pilot.

    Most of my concern is getting the running driveline geometry restored or at least theoretically correct, so I can avoid vibrations or drive line quirks. Then I'll get the balance right so she sits on her marks.

    Any Baraacuda owners Please respond. I would like to get this running as best as possible. Help set my expectations, or comment on ride genral performance characteristics.
  12. Jim Phelan
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    Jim Phelan New Member

    Hi Nick, I have a '71 21 custom that I have restored and am very pleased with its performance it does about 62 up at lake tahoe with a stock volvo duo prop set up which is about 20mph faster than the 245 omc it used to have. I need some small items to complete the restoration can you help? also anyone wanting restoration info, give me a shout
  13. Still
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    Still Junior Member

    1972 Dan Arena ...

    We have a 1972 Dan Arena that is in pretty much original condition (newish upholstery and brand new carpeting) that we may be willing to sell for the right price. It's white with maroon detailing and it runs great. :)
  14. Still
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    Still Junior Member

    In fact, our boat looks just about exactly like the one pictured in BoatMon's post way back in 2004. The original post # 1 here (the post that started this thread.) :D

  15. R Copas
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    R Copas Junior Member

    I to have a ArenaCraft 380V Manta OB with a 150hp Merc
    I have not been able to find much info on it and I would like to replace the Emblems 1 of them is missing (ArenaCraft) and the 380V is faded any help would be great
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