Damien II, or similar, design drawings?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Kirma, Dec 5, 2020.

  1. Kirma
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    Kirma Junior Member

    My partner and I would like to fabricate a 50' Damien II hull with a lifting keel, or the hull of a similar vessel in steel.

    If at all possible, if someone might have a set of plans or know someone else who does, any assistance to secure a set of drawings / plans to work from would be much appreciated.

    If we are unable to find a set of plans, we would also be willing to consider commissioning a Naval Architect to draft a similarly designed vessel.
  2. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    For Damien II, may be you can contact this builder "Meta Chantier Naval" (they built 25 between 1974 and 1981) :
    Meta Chantier Naval
    Telephone : 04 74 63 13 58
    Fax : 04 74 05 08 65
    web site :META Chantier Naval - Spécialiste du Strongall - Accueil (meta-chantier-naval.fr)

    and/or the architect Bernard Nivelt of "Nivelt Muratet Design" (previously "Joubert Nivelt Design" , Michel Joubert was the naval architect of Damien II designed in 1974, he passed away in 2016) :
    Nivelt - Muratet | Facebook

    damien-ii : fiche technique, photos, vidéos, essais et entretien du voilier (ouest-france.fr)
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  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Dolfiman beat me to it!

    Here is a nice article about a sistership to Damien II -
    Issuma, a Damien II Steel Schooner https://www.issuma.com/rhudson/issumaboat/IssumaDetails.htm

    I remember reading articles by Jerome and Sally Poncet (then owners of Damien II) in Cruising World in the late 80's / early 90's about their voyages to high latitudes with this vessel.
    Here is an article about them, by the then editor of Cruising World.
    Cruising World https://books.google.com/books?id=7i0R9QBe5aIC&pg=PA69&lpg=PA69&dq=cruising+world+damien+II+article&source=bl&ots=E181uE_8Kt&sig=ACfU3U386am7YrHTaUP5NDMdPxH8nwoIoQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIyePLybftAhVlp1kKHQbtDAgQ6AEwBnoECAYQAg#v=onepage&q=cruising%20world%20damien%20II%20article&f=false
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
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  4. Kirma
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    Kirma Junior Member

    Thanks for the response on this question.

    We have recently e-mailed the owner of Issuma, who was able to provide similar direction to attempt contacting the French architectural firm, constructor and others who've built the Damien II or might know someone with a set of design plans.

    The e-mail that's often refered for Nivelt Muratet Design doesn't appear to be active (bnivelt@free.fr), but it appears that the firm is still active on social media, we will find a way to contact them if possible.

    We reached out to META today, hoping for an e-mail response from them.

    Damien II design drawings have seemed to be rather elusive!
  5. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

  6. Kirma
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    Kirma Junior Member

    From the forum posts at hisse-et-oh.com, I understood that Cain was able to get a copy of the linesplan, scantlings and other details from Meta.

    All of this helped to point us in the right direction. Thank you.
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