Damage stability of fishing vessel

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Adarsh Edakkote, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    Hi All,

    Can anyone provide me the damage stability criteria of fishing vessel(Deterministic approach).

    Vessel length is 40 m.

  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As far as I know, fishing boats are not required to verify stability after damage, so there are probably no specific criteria for them.
  3. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply.I just need to check the given bulkheads are okay after the vessel gets damaged.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  5. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    Hi TANSL,
    The vessel is only 16 m length and 5 m breadth.As per the floodable length calculation vessel has to fitted with more than 7 bulkheads .Seems not logic for a small vessel.

    Please revert if you have any comments
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If those calculations are correct, it means that the ship is badly designed.
    What is the problem you have ?, because, as far as I know, a fishing vessel is not obliged to comply with the stability after damage.
  7. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member


    This is as an existing vessel.The vessel has only 2 bulkheads.one at Engine room aft and other at engine room fwd.Now the vessel is going to register under an inland waterways.So at the time of plan approval surveyor asked us to provide the flooding calculation. I have made floodable length curve (attached) based on the hull and maximum draft.As per the curve,Floodable length at engine room area (3.597 m as center) is only 3.53 m.

    Length engine room is 4.5 m.

    I have given subdivision factor as 1 (Please correct if am wrong).So the permissible length of engine room is 3.53,which is less than the actual length of E.R

    What is ur opinion about this?

    Attached Files:

  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  9. RAraujo
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    RAraujo Senior Member - Naval Architect

    I think it is very strange such a demand, from the surveyor, especially for such a small fishing vessel...

    Can you ask him based on which regulations is he asking for that so that you can present the results accordingly? Most probably he will not know...
  10. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    T(TCG)-Assumed as zero.
    Regarding GM value. This is Min.Required value of GM
  11. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    Kerala Inland vessel Rules.As per this rule, they are asking for flooding calculation.
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not know if giving the value of "L" in feet and the one of "V" in meters is correct. Check the input data. The boat is 40 m long but you have studied, according to the presented curve, a length of 13.5 feet ???
    On the other hand, the curve you get seems correct, although with "strange" results, for a ship 13.5 ft in length. For example, if you have a compartment whose geometric center is 2.5 feet from the Ap, the length of it could be 3.4 meters, which seems very appropriate. If you have a compartment whose geometric center is 7.5 feet from the AP, its length could be 6.2 m. For situation at 12. ft of the AP, they are 3 m long.
    After dividing the curve of the floodable length, the most comfortable is to place on the same curve the longitudinal profile of your boat, including watertight bulkheads, and check if that distribution is correct.
    If you provide us with the model of your boat, it is likely that someone can do a check. Something is your calculations can not be correct.
  13. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    L(LCG) is 8.23 m from forward of A.P."f" denotes fwd not feet.
    The vessel length is 16 m not 40 m.
    Hope this will clear your doubt
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I have no doubts, my friend. I just seem to sense that some things are not correct and, therefore, with all due respect, I advise you to review the input data and the calculations that you have made. If you want more help, as I said before, it would be convenient to show us the model that you used in your calculations. Best regards.

  15. Adarsh Edakkote
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    Adarsh Edakkote Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply.I will recheck my inputs and calculation
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