Damage Extent, Damage Stability

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Leopard, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. Leopard
    Joined: Nov 2021
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    Leopard Junior Member

    Could you please explain the damage extent terms?

    For example the length of the each of the compartments presented in the attached image is 6m , and Forepeak tank is 4m in length. FORT -1,2 each are 3m wide.

    My questions are:
    1. What is longitudinal extent and transverse extent in side damage?
    2. What is longitudinal extent and transverse extent in Bottom Damage?
    3. In case of vertical extent what does it mean by "From the moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centerline upwards without limit?"

    Now, if I find Longitudinal Damage extent =5m and Transverse Damage Extent 2.5 m. I have to consider one of the damage cases where FPT, Comp-3, bwt-1p get damaged together. Since FPT is is 4m but longitudinal Damage extent is 5m. Am I correct?

    I also assume I need to consider a damage case like - DCase - Comp-3+Bwt-1P

    Please let me know if my understanding are correct/ wrong.

    4. Do I need to show progressive flooding in damage stability calculation? Is there anyway to avoid progressive flooding analysis in damage stability calculation?

    5. If if Find longitudinal damage extent 5m, is it good idea to make a tank longer than 5m so that I don't need to consider several tanks together?
    6. Final question is, I presume L is LWL in case of measuring longitudinal damage extent in the formula 1/3 L^(2/3), am I correct?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
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  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Is this a question you have at University?
    kerosene likes this.
  3. Leopard
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    Leopard Junior Member

    No, this is not a university question. I have made this question for my own understanding. I have already completed my graduation.
  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    If they didn't teach you in University, this is what it means.
  5. Leopard
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    Leopard Junior Member

    Do you know the answers of my questions 3, 4 and 5, If you know please answer rather than replying in a roundabout way.
  6. RAraujo
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    RAraujo Senior Member - Naval Architect

    Damage cases to be considered for the sketch shown (it is somewhat confusing as you have 3 tanks named fort-2p:

    1. FPT
    2. FPT+BWT-1p
    3. BWT-1p+fort-2p (outside tank however if the border between both tanks is less than 2.5m from side shell both tanks to be considered)
    4.fort-2p (outside tank however if the border between both tanks is less than 2.5m from side shell both tanks to be considered)
    5. fort-1p+fort-2p (outside tank however if the border between both tanks is less than 2.5m from side shell both tanks to be considered)
    6. fort-1p
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  7. Leopard
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    Leopard Junior Member

    Thank you. I have corrected the naming of tanks.

  8. bingli
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    bingli Junior Member

    Dear Leopard, Good day!

    My anser is: It depends on what kind of ship you are working on.

    If it is a dry cargo ship with reduces freeboard, you can refer to load line convention.

    if it is oil tanker, you can refer to MARPOL and IBC code.

    if it is Gas Carrier, you can refer to IGC code.
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