Dagger board control lines

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by perry2222, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. perry2222
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    perry2222 Junior Member

    I need to change a few things to do with my daggerboards. I did see a photo that was an elegantly simple way to lower the board.
    Line was attached to the deck/hull out board of the DB, went up and through a circular fitting (some sort of low friction piece) in the top section of the board and then back down to deck in board of the DB and through a turning block and on, I guess, to a winch. Wonder if this is familiar to anyone here who might know about this circular fitting and if its manufactured and available, or suggest how to create one.
  2. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Google "bullseye fairlead".
    guzzis3 likes this.
  3. perry2222
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    perry2222 Junior Member

    thanks for that, everyone, pretty clear now.
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