Custom Kayak Manufacturer?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by goyak, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. goyak
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    goyak Junior Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm looking to make a custom, high-end Kayak. There are others like it out there, but I'd like to make my own design and scale out production to sell anywhere in the world.

    Anybody know a place I could get started with this? Who to call? Companies? Designers? Manufacturers?

    Please message me any resources you may have!


  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Start with someone to do a market research for you.
  3. goyak
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    goyak Junior Member


    Yes marketing is my career. Don't need help there.

    I created this thread to find assistance with kayak design and production resources.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Start by defining "high-end Kayak". It means different things for different people. For some is a floating fine piece of furniture. For others is a completely bare racing machine. The fact that you want to buy one is not an indication of the market. It is a premise many failed businesses start with.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  6. goyak
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    goyak Junior Member

    @TANSL -- What is an SOR? Does an actual engineer need to make that or can anyone do it?

    I work with manufacturers for other ecommerce businesses, however they are very simple products and are delivered in under 60 days. This feels like a whole different beast. I assume the time-frame would be very long for this, but am scoping this out to see if would be do-able.

    Is this close to how this would be done?

    1. Create SOR
    2. Bring SOR to manufacturer and see if they will take on the project
    3. Manufacturer makes beta/prototype
    4. Possibly make edits to prototype
    5. Setup production goals once final design is decided.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    SOR : Statement Of Requirements.
    A description, as detailed as possible, of how you want your boat to be and what you want to do with it, under what conditions of navigation, materials to use on the boat, how you prefer it to be built, etc ... and, If possible, a general arrangement plan of the boat, albeit a very preliminary one, photos of similar boats and what aspect of each one you would prefer to emulate in your boat.
    With all these data, a designer, who may or may not be from the builder's staff, will create a project that tries to comply as well as possible with (it will never be exactly the same) the SOR. In addition to the stability, security, etc ... aspects, this project will include construction plans, created in agreement with the builder, with all the details necessary to build it.
    bajansailor likes this.
  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    You want to design your own, or you want someone to design one for you?
    Just making sure.
  9. goyak
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    goyak Junior Member

    Someone design one for me based on SOR stuff & similar existing models I give them.

    What price range would the design part alone cost?
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    What SOR are you talking about?
  11. goyak
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    goyak Junior Member


    SOR: I'd have to put one together, but haven't yet. The main thing that makes this kayak different is it can have a small motor on the back of it for long fishing trips or just because you don't want to paddle. Nothing revolutionary, just I don't think any company is doing a particularly good job at this product. I've read way too many reviews of horrible experiences/bad craftsmanship. It led me NOT to purchase one personally even though I loved the concept. I could get very passionate about this as an avid fisher & boater myself.

    I did some research and found the design company that designed some similar kayaks years ago. Maybe they'll help point me in the right direction - including challenges involved with this overall.
  12. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    It goes like this:
    You write the SOR according to your wishes. You find a NA willing to do kayak design (it's a specialized field). Then you negociate his license fee per unit or buy the design rights from him. Then you find a factory that is tooled up for your desired material and production technique and has spare capacity, then negotiate a price per unit. The factory ships them to a warehouse for you to sell from, or if you already have a distribution network set up directly to your resellers.
    It's a tough business and you need the money for development, production and marketing upfront, unless you can convice someone to share the risk with you.
  13. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    There are hundreds of fishing kayaks which probably could have a small motor with a bracket and the person moved forward.
    One person I was going to suggest would have been a poor choice.
    The SOR would have pointed that out right off the bat.

    No body can tell you what it will cost but a designer/ company who is willing to bid on the job.
  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The first major problem in this plan is to have a single model. It narrows the market share too much. You still have not defined what you mean by "high end".

  15. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    What material?
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