Cruising plans for this up coming season?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by bntii, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. michael pierzga
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Oh, Thanks !!!

    For some reason people are always attracted to dark blue. Its crazy.... like insects lured to their demise by those Blue Zapper lights at night.

    I often see the boat pictured in tourist brochures , Google Earth and whatnot. This picture is from a tourist brochure .

    Id paint her pure white...every surface, mast, SS steel, winches, topsides, bottom...with a Gold Leaf name and hailing port. more burnt skin, not more exploding jerry jugs, no more COOKED garbage barrels in the stern...........and no more long days. With a Blue boat you cannot enter port or call it quits for the day durring the high sun.

    Attached Files:

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  2. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Ah, cooked garbage barrels! Yikes! :) I can appreciate the difficulty you have with the hull color. It works on high latitude seasonal boats, but must be tough in those destinations.

  3. michael pierzga
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    There is a WALLY yacht...cant remember the name...pure white... everything... including the crew hats , the most dramatic boat in the fleet .

    Blue or dark colours suffers wear..fender marks, chafe And rapidly calcifies. After a few weeks the boat has a white mustache of Calc deposited on the topsides from the bow wave. I am constantly acid washing the topsides to de calc. A blog of seagull poo baked on must be scraped off.
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