Cruising cat design

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Moewaka, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    Fair enough Phil. The one we built was 1//2" ply, with two coats of Bote Cote epoxy on the inside and three coats on the outside, with the keel and all seams glassed with 10 oz cloth and epoxy. We just built the empty hulls with decks and internal partitions in place. The client did the fitting out. Thats why it took us only four weeks. :cool:
  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Moewaka - If nothing else on this thread I strongly recommend you pay attention to what Phil Catsketcher writes, also check his posts on other similar threads. Why? because he is a very good sailor (I have sailed with him), he is very experienced in a wide range of multihulls, he knows how to design and build things, he has no commercial axe to grind.

    For example, I agree with him that you cannot build a complete, good 51ft Tehini in 4 weeks. And a Tehini is a very long boat with very limited accommodation, that doesn't sail very well and rots quickly. How do I know, well I lived on Wharram's own Tehini and crossed the Atlantic on it, after only 8 years after launching I helped fit the third set of crossbeams after the earlier ones broke, chopped out lots of rot...

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Re the Dudley Dix design mentioned above - - there is a partially completed hull languishing near Chaguaramas in Trinidad which would be keen on finding a new home. The hulls and bridgedeck have been built in plywood, but no superstructure has yet been added.
    I saw it there almost 2 years ago, and I think she is still there - if anybody is interested in further details, I can supply the email address of Bruce her owner.

    Edit - I have just attached a few photos of her.

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  4. Moewaka
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    Moewaka Junior Member

    Hi all and thanks for the great feedback. Yes I would like to build myself. I've been playing around with a Waller design and emailed Mike a few times who has been really helpful.
    I've attached a couple of very rough images of what I have in mind. Yes I like the front cockpit ah lah Chris White.
    This layout will need to have the shear line lifted a little. Also note the main stateroom and the galley are only one step down from the bridgedeck floor. The other steps lead down to the hulls. To create headroom in the galley and stateroom the turret would almost be full width, but with a cockpit front and rear I dont think I need a lot of walk room on the side decks.

    I'm really interested to hear any comments. One of Mike's was that careful attention would need to be paid to the balance of the boat as it could easily end up a bit tail heavy.

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  5. Moewaka
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    Moewaka Junior Member

    Also note, this is based on the 1480. Theres no change to hull shape or bulkhead positions.
  6. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    She will be a very big boat - seems like a lot of boat for a single double. Looks expensive to rig and fitout because with her high topsides, large beam and long legs she will be heavier and stress fittings more than a 35 footer stretched a bit. 38ft is heaps of room for a couple and we can still cater for up to 8 for a week or two. (some of those are kids)

    The bows look very fine but if you are redoing a Waller then make sure your CG lines up with his. Also seriously question the need for a forward cockpit. I really like the idea of being BEHIND the cabin going to windward. On a cruising boat you do few sail changes and the idea of you sitting at the helm with a fabulous view sounds great until you realise - you're hardly ever at the helm.

    Real world cruising shows that you will be under autopilot about 95% of the time so you need visibility BUT you don't need a fabulously wide view forward. I spend much (maybe most) of my time inside - sitting on the interior settee seats. I lounge, read, and can see forward. Sway the head and I get a full view forward. Every 10 minutes, or whenever I get interested I go out and have a look from the cockpit, wind a winch, beep the autopilot this way or that.

    Go and have a sail on a forward cockpit boat before you build one. Then sail on a normal style cat - don't get one designed with a forward cockpit because you think you will be sailing along, wheel in hand.

    I saw a couple who circumnavigated come into our bay in their nice and modest 34 ft cat. He was steering at the stern with a tiller extension. I asked him "Isn't that exposed?" and the owner laughed. "I hardly ever steer the thing so it doesn't matter where the helm is."

    It is important though to be able to helm easily. I also think visibility forward is essential but you don't need to do this setup to get good ergonomics and views forward. Even Chris White designs cockpit aft boats now.


  7. tane
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    tane Senior Member

    "forward cockpit" sounds like a "punishment pen" to me. if you want to "enjoy the view" in moderate going (in heavier going the forward cockpit will be a "test pool" for the foulies!) just ly on the trampoline while under a-pilot!
  8. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I agree with you Phil.
  9. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    That's interesting.
    Wasn't there another one of those 55's there that was completed by a gentleman who worked for Gunboat? I think he sold his.

    Is this one still for sale after 2 years? I wonder what sort of shape it is in?
    Do you have more photos?
  10. rattus
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    rattus Señor Member

    Thank you. You are killing me, man! I'm 5 years away from snapping that project up...

    There was a South African project (called "Life", I think) by an accomplished boatbuilder that was well documented in videos on the Web. Once launched, radio silence. Arrgh.
  11. rattus
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    rattus Señor Member

    Have you no friends? Looks like you're "Snell"ing it, stylistically.

    An additional cabin would be a necessity in my mind, the daughters need to visit once in a while!
  12. bscatam
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    bscatam Junior Member

    Working on my own design. And yes its a lot of work. So far about 60 drawings and calculations. With big help from Delftship, ACAD and Rhinoceros. ;) But its fun. :D

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  13. Spiv
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    Spiv Ancient Mariner


    how about this 57' designed by me (superstructure, accommodation and rig) and Richard Wood (underwater lines, appendages, sail plan)?
    The brief was:
    • 40~42' accommodation
    • Owner hull to starboard and guest cabin + workshop/utility cabin to port.
    • 55' length
    • daggerboards
    • beaching keels
    • A frame mast and 3 furling sails
    • Small fore cockpit for those hot balmy nights at anchor
    • empty spaces fore and aft

    We worked 2y and finalised the design it in 2009, but I never built it as I ended up buying a Salina 48 and went cruising around the world.... ( I was in a hurry...)

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  14. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    We have recently developed 44' and 38' stock designs of cruising sailing cats, intended for sandwich panels in foam or honeycomb. The hull shape is based on our previous proven designs. The design documentation is very detailed and will be useful for CE-certification of the boat...


  15. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hi Brian and Rattus, apologies for the delay in responding.
    Re the cat in my photos, yes, I think she was one of 3 that were built about 10 years ago - the chap from Gunboat had (I think) formed a consortium in Trinidad and I know they definitely completed one (which must be Wild Vanilla) and perhaps the second one was Spice.
    And I think this one was the third.
    My photos are from 2 years ago - I did see her briefly (from the road while driving by) about 6 months ago, and nothing has changed in the past 2 years (at least not re any additional work being carried out).

    Here are a few more photos that I took 2 years ago.
    The 2 photos I posted previously of the vessel afloat had been taken by the Builder some years previously.
    She has an interesting construction method using a polystyrene foam core sandwiched between plywood skins - the second last photo shows a small detail re this.
    A gentleman in one of the other islands was interested in buying her, and I went and had a look at her 2 years ago on his behalf when I was in Trinidad on another job.
    But then he decided that it would be easier to just buy a second hand cat rather than having all the hassles (and associated expense) in getting this cat finished.
    If anybody is interested in her, I can supply Bruce's email address, and I am sure he would be keen to talk to you.
    Bruce had bought her some years ago in the condition shown, with the intention of finishing her and then selling her, but then his plans and / or circumstances changed.

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