cruise interior design

Discussion in 'Education' started by gamja, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. gamja
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    gamja New Member

    Is there any universities in USA or Europe that teaches cruise interior design?
    Or boat interior design?
    If there is no courses about curise interior designs
    will it be better to study transportation design and by there study boat design as projects(studying by self / going detailed).
    or going Interior design and study boat(curise) interior design as projects (studying by self / going detailed).
    Thank you for reading
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you looking for boats, large yachts or commercial?
  3. gamja
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    gamja New Member

    I am thinking large yachts and cruise ships, mostly on commercial?
    I want to work with larger scale in a companies.
    Thank you for your interest
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    There are a variety of specialties that come into play. A naval architect typically designs the layout, but an interior designer/decorator will finish it. Further, in a luxury yacht, art and furniture experts will have a major part too.
  5. dgerr
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    dgerr Senior Member

  6. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Google shows two courses in Italy:

    One year course

    Short course

    A good way to find out information about education choices is to contact companies that you would be interested in working for and ask them what type of education they find produces the best new hires. An easier way to do this same thing is to study job ads. A quick google search looking for jobs for interior designers found these two postings:
    This one is looking for "Degree educated in Interior or Furniture Design your experience should come from the marine, high-end residential or luxury/boutique hotel sectors and include knowledge of CNC furniture construction."

    The second doesn't list any education preference simply the following skills:
    proven luxury high-end residential experience
    excellent conceptual skills, including Photoshop and 3D drawing skills
    good working knowledge of FF&E selection
    knowledge of MicroStation would also be an advantage

    If you look at the top yacht interior designers you can see their educations are often varied and not really specialized in the marine industry. I believe Ken Freivokh did industrial design. Donald Starkey did residential/building architecture. Joseph Artese did industrial design. I think Jon Bannenberg actually studied music of all things. As with most careers based on aesthetics I think the particular education doesn't matter as much as having a strong portfolio.
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