Crowther X10

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by peterbike, May 23, 2018.

  1. peterbike
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    peterbike Junior Member

    There are 2 of these for sale a.t.m in aust.
    Used Crowther Catamaran for Sale | Yachts For Sale | Yachthub

    Catamaran 10m | Sail Boats | Gumtree Australia Fraser Coast - Pialba | 1039395379

    The first one has been stretched to 12.6m
    My first question is, (a) does anyone have some plans/drawings that I could look at :
    or a side on photo of the boat out of the water ?
    (b) what is the story with these ? i have heard they could be improved with a jib - but to what degree ? Do they then become excellent, good, passable ?

    both the above boats are very well priced as far as I can see - it is a pity that my hands are financialy tied a.t.m or I would pounce !
    Oh well ....
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    ALL AT SEA Junior Member

    2nd one is a Barrink not a Crowther. An dI'm not sure how much input Crowther had on the design of the X10. It wasn't a success before it was stretched. Both look great value, and if I had a few more pennies saved and sold my boat I'd be tempted by both.
  3. peterbike
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    peterbike Junior Member

    Thanks for that, about the barrink. Couldn't find much about barrink - but interesting looking boats.
    A link I found for one ;
    And the X10 was a Brett Crowther design - poss. his first ?
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    ALL AT SEA Junior Member

    Crowther/Bloomfield I believe. B Crowther moved to commercial power cat design pretty quickly, I guess that's there the $$ are. I think all the cats designed with that philosophy were lengthened after completion, and turned out ok... Although Quicksteps/Zena may've been an exception that was a little longer from the outset, and has been a success. Barrink certainly had a good eye for drawing efficient attractive cats.
  5. Pil007
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    Pil007 Junior Member

    I'm new here so go easy on me

    IMG_0021.jpg IMG.jpg

    I contemplated both boats mentioned... They are great bang for buck... The X-10 is now 42ft... The Barrink is light and fast but sparse below.
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    ALL AT SEA Junior Member

    This forum seems a long way from SA;) Yeah, if I were seriously in the market for a cat they'd both be right up there - the Crowther'd be better offshore, the Barrink probably more fun in sheltered waters (or further afield with proper planning and preparation). Any news on Panther Pil?
  7. Pil007
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    He wouldn't budge at the time. I've been over in NZ looking at a Tennant HiOctane 52 but unfortunately the survey was not to good.... I will know more at the end of this week. This boat buying business is stressful
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    ALL AT SEA Junior Member

    I'd actually forgotten how stressful it was, I took the seller at his word, but when the boat and trailer turned out to be unregistered it took me a while to be comfortable that there wasn't too much else wrong with the boat. A couple of years happy sailing down the track and all that is forgotten. I'd also been looking/dreaming on the Trademe site - and that Tennant cat was inspiring thoughts that I shouldn't have entertained... I'm still a little 'coulda, woulda, shoulda' about "Excess" - but I assume she's in Darwin by now... Don't get me wrong, I love my little Elliott 7 - and in light winds, and/or downwind she's a giant killer, but I love the power and acceleration of a multi. Something'll come up.
  9. Pil007
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    Pil007 Junior Member

    I hope so..... I giving the Tennant one last shot this week
  10. rogerf
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    rogerf Junior Member

    Henk de Velde was interested in Hi Octane for the route du rhum, but did not proceed.
  11. Pil007
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    Pil007 Junior Member

    I have spoken via email to Henk.... he is still somewhat interest but not if I show him the survey... If he gives me the boat for very little it may have some more appeal
  12. he b gb
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    he b gb Junior Member

    639F9CD4-6BC7-4B2B-AA0B-1EBFAE3868BD.png 38E2A786-9A43-4F67-AACB-EC1FDCE16F44.png Hi all, just came across this thread accidentally while searching for some info on the new Chris White 70’ bi-plane rig cat. Is there a thread on it in this forum? I’m the owner, designer, builder of a couple of the cats in this thread (Gerald Barrink) and as my present cat is a bi-plane rig I’m very interested in seeing some footage of the Chris White cat under sail. My previous cat (Pork Chop, pictured above) was a great boat on which I got two 2 nds and a 3rd across the line in the Bay to Bays in which I competed. After selling Pork Chop I started designing and building Cactus Island (which has been sailing now for over 5 years, **** time flies!) as my idea of my ideal cruising boat. At the end of 2016 we sailed from Bundaberg to Tahiti and back arriving home November 2017 and loving every minute (still having difficulty settling back into land based life!) Before heading off I built a new tender which is a folding cat 15’ long 9’ wide which hangs off davits on the back of Cactus. At the moment I’m in the process of bi-plane rigging it (we only had outboard power 2hp for the trip) and making foils and hopefully getting it flying. If anyone is interested I will start a new thread on it, also I will try to upload some photos. Cheers, Gerald.
    ALL AT SEA, Doug Lord and UpOnStands like this.
  13. Pil007
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    Pil007 Junior Member

    Hi Gerald
    I'm totally interested in how that turns out... I tend to hang more at Anarchy.
    I first fell in love with Nusa Dua after seeing an aerial shot of it blasting down wind at Peter Gows house and recently very seriously considered buying Pork Chop from Daryl. I think it's the best bang for buck boat on the market (Cynaphope was but i bought it).
    There is a thread at Anarchy on the Chris White boat.
  14. he b gb
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    he b gb Junior Member

    25E659B1-29CA-426E-9FD3-4EEAA11601AD.jpeg Hi Pil, thanks for the compliment on Pork Chop. Yeh, I hang on Anarchy also but find it has too many armchair admirals, you get a few good chuckles though some times!( hope you got a laugh from my 99 pun, as Siegfried used to say on Get Smart, “ nein nein 99”) Pete did the Gladstone with me back in 93 (I think) when that photo was taken, it blew 45 knots that night and as it was my first Glady on a new pretty well unproven boat (back then they let just about anyone enter) we all **** ourselves!!! Pete’s a classic bloke and great fun to sail with,have you heard from him lately? I’ve seen the thread on anarchy but I want to know more about that cool boat! Cheers, Gerald. (Is this the photo you saw?)
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  15. he b gb
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    he b gb Junior Member

    PS. Have a ball on your new boat ! It looks awesome.
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