crowther twiggy mk1 plans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by farquire, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. farquire
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    farquire Junior Member

    new to the forum this is my first post ,have owned a twiggy for approx 8 years now which i have raced on pittwater in sydney during that time ,old boat but a lot of fun,recently had the rear beam fail [mainly due to a bit of rot]which caused the front beam to break as well,would like to build some new beams but haven't been able to come up with plans,hopeing someone out there may have some or know where they may be obtained any leads would be appreciated
    cheers mike
  2. farquire
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    farquire Junior Member

    few pics of my twig

  3. farquire
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    farquire Junior Member

  4. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member


    Just checked the plans in my shed. I have plans for the Mk1 beams and the Mk 2 beams. I am coming down to Sydney this weekend and the next for the Extreme 40s.

    I would be glad to help a Twiggy get back on the water but you will have to give me a sail when she is fixed up.



    0438 732441
  5. farquire
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    farquire Junior Member

    thank you very much ,a sail or two wouldn't be a problem at all,i'll give you a call today
  6. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Just out of interest Phil how do the Mk1 and Mk2 beams compare? The Mk2 was somewhat larger in terms of hull volumes was the scantling on the beams increased?
  7. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    I will get them copied and see if they can scan them at the same time. Then post them.


  8. EarthSuit
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    EarthSuit New Member

    Twiggy Owner

    Hi Guys,

    I recently bought a Twiggy Mk 1 from Adelaide.
    She is now in Paynesville on the Gippsland Lakes.
    I'm interested in getting a copy of the plans and making contact with other Twiggy owners, etc.
    I had a front beam failure in big seas on the way from Adelaide.
    Good news, we got her home in one piece with a bit of jury rigging.
    She has now been repaired thanks to insurance with Youi.
    I'll see if I can post some photos here. :confused:
    Can someone tell me how to do that from a file on my computer?

    Michael Clark
    Lake Wellington Yacht Club
  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Hi Michael,
    That was the blue Twiggy in SA? Great to hear its come to Vic. To upload photos just click on the manage attachments option when you start a new post it will let you browse to the files on your computer and upload them. Use the blue post reply button directly under this post not the quick reply option at the bottom.
  10. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Hi Michael,
    Great to hear that Youi is an ok insurer. My Seawind is insured with them but like most I hope to never need it.

  11. farquire
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    farquire Junior Member

    a few pics of the damage




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  12. EarthSuit
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    EarthSuit New Member


    Thanks for that.
    Lets try the photos.
    First is small break, second is repairs and third is after repairs.
    Youi was good about the payout.
    The money allowed us to open the from beam right across and fix several problems (rot). So she is all good now but I will have a good look at the rear beam soon.
    Disregard the name, she will have a new one soon.
    I hope to do some racing here on the Gippsland Lakes and perhaps SOMR and LCMR.
    Any of you guys know the owner of Kiska?
    I'd like to make contact.
    My email is if you prefer email (I do).

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  13. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Kiska is Roger's boat I think he posts on here as rogerf, try sending him a PM.
  14. EarthSuit
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    EarthSuit New Member


    You may find it easier to rebuild the existing beams.
    Have a look at the photo of my beam during repairs.
    The work was straight forward but took some time.
    I can send you more photos if you want to have a look at the whole job.
    I took photos at the end of most days.


  15. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    I noticed this boat the other week. My ketch is on a jetty further up the arm. Looks good micheal. A bit bigger than your old boat.
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