Crowther Spindrift

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by waikikin, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. jimmyDu
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    jimmyDu Junior Member

    Hi Andrew,

    I have just signed up to boatdesign, so I hope I am following correct protocol.
    I have been reading forum advice on this site for a few years, it's a very helpful place, Thanks.

    I bought a 1991 Crowther Spindrift 37 last year in North Queensland. I believe it was previously owned by Reefer and was also referred to in a post by Catsketcher regarding the fitting of a new cabin and steps to provide easier access into the hulls. I came very close to buying an older Spindrift that was original in cabin design that meant it was a kneeling down and backwards drop down into the hulls. I was pipped at the post for that sale but after reading Catsketchers post about a Queensland based Spindrift called Blue Moon the said catamaran serendipitously came on the market!

    I have no plans but I can provide you with photos or dimensional help if you go with a Crowther Spindrift. It is a very narrow hulled catamaran but the simplicity of it's design and sailability has won my wife and I over.

    Cheers jimmyDu

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  2. jimmyDu
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    jimmyDu Junior Member

    Thank You oldmulti,

    I have found and downloaded Spindrift 37 plan PDFs.

    What a great resource this site is!

    cheers jimmyDu
  3. Reefer
    Joined: May 2015
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    Reefer New Member

    Hi Jimmy,

    can I ask where Blue Moon ended up? Always keeping my eye out in case she appears somewhere along the coast.

  4. jimmyDu
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    jimmyDu Junior Member

    Hi Reefer,

    Nice to hear from you.

    I am guessing from paper work on Blue Moon and Boatdesign posts that you are the previous owner to who we bought her from. Being careful not to mention your name. We bought her from Mick & Gabby last year. It was a photo you posted of the steps that was my first view of Blue Moon.

    We live in Geraldton but do have some family in Townsville. Blue Moon is still in the Cardwell area. We spent from September to May last year mostly living onboard in time for Jasper and Kirrily to cross either side of us. We have just spent October over there again. Ideally we would like to sail Blue Moon back to WA along the north, past Cairns. Might be able start that trip in 2025 after the next wet season. Yes, it would have been easier to buy a boat already in WA but Queensland is the place to find catamarans for sale.

    Both myself and my wife really appreciate Crowther's Spindrift design. We weren't interested in a Lagoon type catamaran.

    Are you still sailing?

    Cheers Jim.
  5. jimmyDu
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    jimmyDu Junior Member

    Hi Reefer,

    I forgot to Thank You for the photo.

    Blue Moon was on the hard in January. Also have recently installed handrails steps and some "eye brows" on the cabin.

    Hardstand.jpg Cabin handrails.jpg Eye Brows and steps.jpg Blue Moon Dry .jpg
  6. Reefer
    Joined: May 2015
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    Reefer New Member

    Gday Jimmy,

    Im very glad to see she has landed in good hands. Blue Moon always felt safe when the sea came up, and a wonderful little boat to live on. Would you believe the owners previous to me lived aboard for many years, travelling through Asia with two very young children!
    There are some photos of her in Thailand and Indonesia I believe.
    Although it’s around 6ft,
    I’m a little too tall for the headroom, and had to stop sailing because of a back injury.
    Sing out if you want any more photos of which I have many.

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  7. jimmyDu
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    jimmyDu Junior Member

    Hi Reefer,

    Great to have contact with you, thanks. We weren't able to learn too much history or boat advice from the previous owners relating to Blue Moon as a dealer in Townsville was handling the sale. Interesting to hear that she is well travelled.

    She is in need of some attention to the plywood front decks, not surprising for a thirty plus year old boat with that type of construction. As you would know, the foam core hulls are really well built. I will probably replace the affected deck areas with foam core and glass this time.

    We are not 6ft. but in our early sixties, hence steps to the cabin roof and extra hand rails.

    Cheers Jimmy
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