Crowther Islander 46

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Rodney Mooney, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. Rodney Mooney
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Rodney Mooney New Member

    Been looking at this boat Sail Catamarans 36ft > 40ft Boats For Sale in Australia | Boats Online , trying to get more information on its design I think it must have been one of Lock Crowther or Crowther Catamarans later designs penned for either power or sail. Builder listed as Norman Silva would like to get info on him also. I would be using boat for coastal cruising but am interested in any data on expected performance. I would also like to alter the helm station so it didnt look like a boil on bum. Happy to recieve all opinions good bad or ugly as tyey will be read-considered-accepted-or rejected without any offence.
  2. waikikin
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Is this the one Crowther Islander 46 : Sailing Catamaran for Sale | Fibreglass/grp Balsa Cored 25 Mm Sail Boats | Boats Online | Queensland (Qld) - Gold Coast, Australia
    The styling a little unusual but looks very comfortable.pretty sure Norm Silva worked at Crowthers and kind of remember speaking to him on phone around some tech specs in early 90s. Might be getting on by now but hopefully still going well he might have had some time on NSW South Coast at a yard/shed in Woolamia had some wideish female tooling there.

    Hope you get some info & back up on the boat.
    Old link-

    Regards from Jeff.
  3. Rodney Mooney
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Rodney Mooney New Member

    Thanks for the reply Jeoff and thank you for the link. Still looking at this boat, don't like the flybridge style helm position and would probably do a major alteration to bring it down possibly
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