Crowther International 23 cat. Specs needed.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by redreuben, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. redreuben
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    redreuben redreuben

    Hi Guys,

    My friend has had his cat damaged, one hull a write off.
    It is my thinking that he would be better off building a pair of ply hulls like the Scarab cat "Fish and Chips"
    But to do a reasonable comparison I need some specs on the 23, like beam, mast height and sail area. I've had a look around online and was surprised to find virtually nothing :(
    Before you ask, my friend is not contactable at the moment. I'm investigating the reality before I make the suggestion. So.....if anybody has some specs on said boat, I'd appreciate it if you'd pass them on.
  2. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    How about just buying another International 23, then he'd have a spare hull etc....

    Bloke got one for sale here.....
  3. redreuben
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    redreuben redreuben

    I said
    "It is my thinking that he would be better off building a pair of ply hulls like the Scarab cat "Fish and Chips"
    That boat is $9000 and 3500km away.
    I don't follow your thinking
  4. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    The Fish & Chips will be a much comfier vessel.... however
    The rationale is that the blokes asking ONO, & who doesn't like a road trip....
    It's actually cheap already,
    how much is your quality ply, timber, epoxy & paint going to run to plus labour?
    Your mate will have a hull, rig, sails, connectives, engine? to use as spares next time he loses a hull.. or flog on ebay/gumtree.
    Just thinkin' out loud/looking from another angle?, maybe your mate might like a tri........ with a large donor off the beach cat,
    Here's one closer to home, although the cabins look different maybe you can measure it
  5. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member

    1 person likes this.
  6. Cats and Cars
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    Cats and Cars New Member

    International 23 Mandurah

    Something to think about.
    I have a modified Int 23 on a mooring in Mandurah. Bilge keels removed and centre boards fitted and tweaked into a bit of a racer with asymmetric kite, Mylar main etc. Use to race from the Flying Sqn on the Swan
    I am looking at transporting it to Sydney due to a move as it has a launching jinker but selling is another option....and potentially easier.
    Probably a better boat than your mates and no building work. Contact me if you are interested and I can supply pics.

    Also reason I found this post was I was looking for a spec on the International 23 mastbase and rear cross beam section as not sure mine will pull apart and may need to replace them. Is an elliptical section and keen to find out if replacement sections are available if I damage mine. Any help or advice appreciated.
  7. Rob J
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    Rob J New Member

    International 23

    Hey Cats and Cars, could you contact me regarding the modified Int 23? It could be something I am interested in for a project I have in mind. Cheers. Rob

  8. Cats and Cars
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    Cats and Cars New Member

    International 23

    Hi Rob
    Currently overseas and not back until Sept so cant really do anything until I get back.
    Still interested in options so would like to talk.
    Boat is cuurrently located just south of Perth WA.
    Not sure how or if this forum has private messaging but keep planning
    Kind regards Geoff
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