Crowther 33 Buccaneer

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Tom Mark Page, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Tom Mark Page
    Joined: Jun 2021
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    Tom Mark Page Junior Member

    Need help on my Ama repair and how does my rotating mast work with Standing rigging attached? Just acquired a 33footer. Any ideas would be great!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Tom.

    What type of repair work is required on your ama?
    You might not be able to post photos yet, as you only signed up today - if not, you are welcome to email them to me, and I will post them for you.

    Here is some background info on the Buccaneer 33 for other readers.

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  3. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Please look at the following web pages and you will find the majority of the original plans of the Buccaneer 33. You will need to able to read PDF's. The PDF's are attached to several items:
    Multihull Structure Thoughts
    Multihull Structure Thoughts

    Bajansailor is an excellent resource for assistance. Hope all goes well. If you look on google you will find a guy who has a rotating mast on a Buccaneer 33.
  4. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Paging bruceb
    Paging bruceb
  5. buzzman
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    buzzman Senior Member

    I sent Tom over here from the Crowther Facebook page, precisely because I thought BruceB might be able to assist, or some other of the Buccaneer 'buccaneers' might be able to assist.
    Welcome, Tom, and glad the link worked eventually!
  6. Tom Mark Page
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    Tom Mark Page Junior Member

    Thanks for the data drawings. My starboard ama got tboned before I had her, will try to get pics up when I can so I might get advice. Thanks so much.
  7. Tom Mark Page
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    Tom Mark Page Junior Member

    Plus in dire need of locating a Crowther 33 on the west coast in decent shape. Please call anytime with any leads that you all might have! Thanks alot. 530-440-3893
  8. Tom Mark Page
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    Tom Mark Page Junior Member

    Yes thanks so much for this tip on locating another Crowther 33. Hope someone will get in touch!
  9. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Hi, sorry for my slow reply. I will try to do better, I now am racing and working on a Dragonfly 800, but I still have and sail my 33 too. I like both of them :).
    Since I have a rotating mast on my Fly and had one on my past Buc 24, what would you like to know? I tried to find a good used mast for my 33, but at the time I was rebuilding the 33, I never found one that was appropriate. I am having fun trying to get the Fly up to speed.
  10. Tom Mark Page
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    Tom Mark Page Junior Member

    Thanks Bruce, I just can't figure out what happens to the standing rigging when u rotate it. Sure wished your 33 was looking for a new home! All the adds I see are really old. Call me anytime. 530-440-3893
  11. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    The standing rigging does not rotate. There are two common setups, one has the shrouds and forestay go to the same attachment point on the leading edge of the mast, the second has the shrouds go to the mast side and move in little semicircular tracks or grooves.
  12. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Tom, welcome to Buccaneer ownership. What sort of construction is your 33? The material used will determine the best repair method.
    I would consider your rotating mast an upgrade if it was properly done, but either rig will work just fine. I live in Atlanta Ga and I keep my boats at a near by lake, I will give you a call and introduce myself.
    bajansailor likes this.
  13. Neil C Kahn
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    Neil C Kahn New Member

    Just slightly off topic, but new to the forum, and can't figure out how to start a thread . I'm looking at purchasing a Buccaneer 33, I was reading here about the beams being corroded together. If I need to cut them can one just find the next size interior diameter tube and put it inside. It probably has not been taken apart since 1990 or something like that.
  14. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    The 33's were built with several different alloy beams, depending on what was available. Some were round, some used mast sections, mine had oval beams that were custom produced by rolling 7" od pipe to a 6"x8" shape. I could not find a reasonable source so I pressed the inner end of 6" heavier wall pipe to fit inside the oval cross tubes and use alloy pins to secure them. On my smaller Buc 24 I used new matching outer tubes and fitted a smaller diameter thick wall pipe instead of the wooden plug. Both replacements have been in service now for a while and seem to be working well and the weight is almost the same.

  15. Neil C Kahn
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    Neil C Kahn New Member

    Thanks so much, so the correct fix is fill them with whatever works? Is there enough tube inside the boat to cut them right next to the hull or should they be cut a '"certain " distance from the main hull. I'll attempt to post a pic of the possible purchase. I gather its been really stripped of all the goodies , it is just a bare boat with lots of rot from what I can tell. I hope to get to go see it this week. asking price is $2000 but nothing is easy here in Costa Rica. There are lots of back taxes etc here, lots of unknown. as to final cost of legal ownership, forget about the unknown of extensive repairs

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