credit agricole

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sawmaster, May 3, 2018.

  1. sawmaster
    Joined: May 2010
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    Just read Day and McCormick's book "Out There" about the early 80's BOC single-handed race around the world won by Philippe Jeantot in a 56 ft aluminum cutter. Does anyone know where online I might find the lines of this boat? I'm curious about the "state of the art" at that time.
  2. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Doubt you'll find lines anywhere. There's a bit on the designer's site......

    The boat was big and heavy compared to today's boats, she carried 5000 kg of fixed ballast in the keel plus 1500 l of salt water ballast in a transfer system like that in Pen Duick V. She also had twin "running boards", aft outward angled stabilizer daggerboards. Four of the 8 boats in class A dropped out, Credit Agricole was just a bit more reliable than her rivals, not significantly faster.

    sGuy RIBADEAU DUMAS, Architecte naval RIBADEAU DUMAS, Architecte naval
  3. sawmaster
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    Maybe not, but she finished in 159 days---(second place was almost 12 days later )
  4. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    You can have the lines through Library Le Hussard providing plans for models, the one for Credit Agricole is available :
    Librairie Le Hussard - Modélisme Modèle réduit de bateau Yachts à voile

    On this site, Shadok17 is building one from these plans, you can see photos of his ongoing works:
    Le Crédit Agricole de P. Jeantot (Challenge BOC 1982 / 83)

    Chevalier Taglang made in 2013 a comparison of the designs from early BOC to present Vendée Globe :
    Chevalier Taglang: 2013-05-12

  5. sawmaster
    Joined: May 2010
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    Many thanks Dolfiman, that is exactly what I was looking for!
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