Creating a Maxsurf model from existing design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by alex_1, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. alex_1
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    alex_1 New Member

    I was wondering if anybody was able to help with creating a maxsurf model. I am trying to recreate an existing design, however I do not have a lines plan for the boat (I have tried many times).
    Is there another way I can recreate a maxsurf model of the hull, I have attached the images that i have of the boat.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    kind regards


    interceptor 55 1.PNG


    Interceptor 55 2.PNG
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    With this information you can make a similar model but that surely will not equal the existing boat. Would be needed 2 or 3 sections more on the bow and at least one of the stern.
    My program allows, unlike Maxsurf, get easily and exactly the desired boat but must be available at least six cross sections, along the longitudinal profile and main deck.
  3. alex_1
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    alex_1 New Member

    Hi Tansl,
    I have made some rough sections in Auto-CAD, however I have had no luck trying to construct these into a maxsurf model, would these be of use to your method?
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  5. alex_1
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    alex_1 New Member

  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry but this link does not allow me access to the plane. Can you up load here your dwg file with sections?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Here you have the MaxSurf model. You need to work a little about it if you want to improve but it is more than enough, imo, for previous calculations.

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  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Here are the results of some calculations made with ARQN.

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  9. Rabah
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    Rabah Senior Member

    Hi Alex,
    I hope that this model to like you and will help you to realize your idea.
    If professional advices how to prolong work are necessary for you or that to find out, write in the forum or on my e-mail address which you will see in my profile on site Linkedin.
    The watertightness bulkheads are on the following distances from AP / see file Coordinate System/:
    Bulkhead 1 … …= 1,8m
    Bulkhead 2 … …= 7,5m
    Bulkhead 3 … … = 12,62m
    Distance of the propeller shafting from CL = ±0,92m
    Calculations of resistance and power show that 2 х750= 1500hp quite sufficient for achievement of a top speed 27kts.
    Best Regards,
    Razmik Baharyan
    Naval Architect

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  10. Alexanov
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    Nice job done Razmik!
  11. Veniamin
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    Veniamin New Member

    Красиво сделано. А самое главное много кривых элементов теоретического чертежа и гидростатических кривых по которым можно судить о технических характеристиках данной модели.
    Хорошая программа. Жаль, что я не работаю в ней.
    Удачи, Вам, Размик!
  12. Rabah
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    Rabah Senior Member

    Greetings guys,
    I am very glad for positive responses about my work. I see that in the forum already there are people understanding those that I make, how I was to make it and in first-order for what .
    Wholeheartedly gratitude and that which understand, but for different reasons do not write in the forum.
    Yours faithfully, Razmik Baharyan

    Привет ребята,
    Я очень рад за положительные отклики о мою работу. Вижу что в форуме уже есть люди, понимающие то что я делаю, как сделал этого и в первой очереди зачем.
    От всего сердца благодарность и тем, которые понимают, но по различным причинам не пишут в форуме.
    С уважением, Размик Бахарян
  13. Rabah
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    Rabah Senior Member

    Likely there will be a question - what for in the ultimate view there are so many surfaces? Because the model is made on program Delftship Professional and import with IGES file in Maxsurf Modeler and in the other program.
    During model building there were following problems:
    1. How it is necessary to look the transom?
    - The first version - vertical surface with rounds to the side.
    - The second version - on-board sites vertical, in CL with raking. I guess that there is a niche for the stern platform.
    - The third version - all transom rakish to BL.
    I have developed first and the third, but I liked the third and has ultimately picked it.
    2. If closely to see published images from Alex it is possible to see that above propellers there are tunnel outlines of the bottom. But I have decided to not do them because still it will be not known what engines and propellers for new ship. Probably that Alex will select ASD rotary pillars or water-jet propellers. And it is possible to change the shaft angle and to construct the propeller with smaller dia but with major disk relation, with major vanes and other pitch ratio. It is necessary to project a supercavitating propeller in an oblique flow.
    3. For block coefficient Cb has received at equal draft T=0.9m for last modification7:
    - On Orca3D Cb=0,246 /D=26,03t/
    - On Delftship Professional Cb=0,4376 /D=25,925t/
    - On Maxsurf Modeler Cb=0,248/0,437 /D=25,92t/
    - On Shape Maker Cb=0,436 /D=25,89t/
    I was parse and has understood what for so it is received. If you will select on Maxsurf Modeler from Data\ Coefficients\Draft for Coefficients\Draft to Baseline menu then the keel does not enter in calculation Cb and value about 0,437 for draft T = 0,9m is received .
    If to pick Greatest immersed depth, that is the draft to pick up to the down edge of keel /Tnavig=1,605m/ then it is received 0,248.
    I show you some image files:
    - Final Model on Rhino/Orca3D, Delftship Pro, Maxsurf Modeler, MultiSurf and Shape Maker
    - The prototype with L=8,87m from which has received this model
    - Linesplan created with Shape Maker
    Best Regards,
    Razmik Baharyan

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  14. Rabah
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    Rabah Senior Member

    Approximate calculation of the intact stability

    Hello all,
    I have made approximate calculation of the intact stability. Outcome is very good. I want to explain as it has made:
    1. It is necessary to define three values - Full Displacement, LCG and VCG /TCG=0/
    Full Displacement is necessary to be no more 27t, differently it is impossible to receive the service speed 25-26 kts.
    Well projected vessel in displacement position on a still water before to glide, it is necessary to be on an even keel, that is mean LCG=LCB. In that case it is possible to accept LCG=5,717m from the beginning of the coordinate system. It is equal LCB for total displacement 27t /T=0,923m/.
    It is possible accept VCG =/60-70/% Hmin, where Hmin=2,10m - the minimal depth.
    We can receive VCG=1,4m
    2. It is necessary to make the silhouette of the vessel
    3. It is necessary to define points through which the water will be penetrate in the hull at inclinations. It will be points defining air vents for hull from two parties of the door of the superstructure:
    X=2m Y=±1,55m Z=2,57m
    4. It is necessary to indicate the low point of the deck line:
    X=5,775m Y=±2,5m Z=2,10m
    5. It is necessary to pick stability criteria. I have accepted the International code on an intact stability - IMO A.749. A wind pressure 51,4 kg/m2=504Pa. A nominal velocity of the wind 50,54kts. An unlimited navigation area.
    NA Razmik Baharyan

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    Last edited: May 1, 2015

  15. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am convinced that you are able to understand the dates of the various threads, although they are in English. Therefore, I have no doubt that your purpose can not be to help Alex, who made his inquiry over 2 months ago. I think what you intend is to show us your homework so that we express our opinion on them. Therefore, let me say the following:
    1. Not worth making an "approximate" intact stability calculations. The calculations need to be done as accurately as possible.
    2. If you place the boat "on even keel", the main deck is presenting a very large inclination. I think you've done this assumption is completely wrong. Could, in any case, calculate the position of the g c for the equilibrium position has a zero trim.
    3. Consider the VCG = 0.7 * Hmin is too optimistic. I would put something higher, 0.85 * Hmin. VCG = 1,785 m
    4. Flooding points : the lowest point of the deck is 2.1 m. Therefore the "air vents" must be higher (0.7 on the deck). The door of the superstructure, depending on the regulatory coaming, may be more appropriate. You have not taken into account the flush hatches on deck, aft and bow.
    5. IMO Resolution A.749 has many stability criteria. Which of these have you taken ?. If you have not chosen the right for this type of vessel, the calculations are useless.
    6. Study of wind and waves (weather criterion):
      • The wind force must be calculated using a specific formula. It can not be a value taken by the designer, as you seem to have done it.
      • Areas and angles in your study of wind are not properly calculated.
      • The angle of roll "Theta1" should be greater than 20°
    I hope I have helped.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
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