crawfish skiff/boat plans

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by crocmanau, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. crocmanau
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    crocmanau Junior Member

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you looking for a hobby or to save money? The asking price is pretty low. Just buying the aluminum, welding wire, etc. will most likely cost you as much or more.
  3. crocmanau
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    crocmanau Junior Member

    just a hobby really. i have almost all the tools just not the plans lol.
  4. crocmanau
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  5. PAR
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  6. crocmanau
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    crocmanau Junior Member

    I looked the glen-l site I didn't find anything that looked similar to the boat.
  7. Tibido
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    Tibido New Member

    hey...Spira International has some good plans that are very similar. I also wanted a crawfish boat to keep at Butte La Rose. I am about to start the Albion. It won't cost much and should not take too long to build. The crawfish boat or skiff is basically a dory. The plans are cheap also.

    Good Luck!!!

  8. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

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