CQS 100' DSS Raceboat

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    First news of this boat was before the 2016 Sydney-Hobart where they just made it to the start with very little prep time. She was a few boats back at the finish.
    Well her owner brought her around the world to Sweden where she just set a record.
    Heres the story from Scuttlebutt Europe:

    New Speed Record Around Gotland
    Ludde Ingvall with crew on the 100-footer CQS made a new speed record in ÅR Offshore Race - round Gotland, when entering the port at Sandhamn Monday evening. Twenty years since he last broke the record he did it again.

    CQS crossed the finish line as the first boat, but it will take another 24 hours or so before the winner of ÅF Offshore Race - around Gotland 2017, at recalculated time, can be named.

    Luddes deadline to beat the record was at 21:19:23, but he crossed the finish line already at 20:51:35. He got the line honor in superior style, and also the speed record for monohulls. The record for multihull is held by the Swedish trimaran HiQ.

    The recipe to be fastest ever from Stockholm, round Gotland and back to Sandhamn? Build a fantastic, hundred feet long super-maxi with all the latest race technology in Australia, build a team of dedicated sailors who thinks that every meter and inch counts, bring the boat cross the world. Sail at the very top of your, your teams and the boats ability.

    CQS is equipped with foils to help her come up in the water to lessen the friction. She also has canting keel. Since she is six meters deep under the water line, the navigation through the archipelago was exciting for Ludde and the crew.

    Apart from the newly set speed record in ÅF Offshore Race - around Gotland, Ludde has a fantastic list of merits with two wins in the Sydney-Hobart race, and one in the British Fastnet Race. He also had the speed records across the Atlantic for monohulls. He also was the skipper at the Finnish boat UBF in Whitbread round the World Race 1989/90.

    How far the time will take him in the overall competition remains to be seen. -- Mats Olsson



    DSS foil with flap for this boat:

  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Ludde Ingvall's CQS Retires From Race

    English Harbour, Antigua: Ludde Ingvall and his CQS team have taken the very difficult decision to retire from the RORC Caribbean 600 race, this was due to an undiagnosed problem with the engine that runs the hydraulic systems on the boat.

    Explaining the situation they found themselves in before the start Ludde said, "we found out fairly quickly that we had an electronic issue with the software, which on our boats the engine drives hydraulics, hydraulics runs every winch, our canard which is the rudder in front, it runs the DSS board, and runs the keel as well as propulsion.

    "The problem we had was that four times the engine cut out in the middle of what we were doing and we didn't understand why."

    As always, Ludde's main concern was safety, and if the engine cut out during a critical manoeuvre lives could be at risk. After discussing the situation with his watch captains and safety officer it was decided to retire from the race.

    Continuing his explanation Ludde told the race control, "we started with the keel in the middle, which is why we were so slow, and with little sails. We decided to go to the top of the island and if by the top of the island we haven't got things sorted, we won't continue."

    Ludde expressed his huge disappointment, particularly for the young sailors who had travelled a long way to take part in the race. However with the nature of the Caribbean 600 having a course that goes close to a lot of island, and through some restricted channels, if the engine problem re-occurred they would find themselves in a very difficult situation.


    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
  3. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    "If the engine cut out during a difficult manoeuvre lives could be at risk" is a pretty significant comment.
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