Cost for a sail system!

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by trungpv, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. trungpv
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    trungpv New Member

    Dear all,

    I intend to build myself a catamaran. This catamaran was design by K- design: KD 860


    I want to know how much money to buy: winch, rope, block, cleat, jammer.... for this catamaran.

    I just want a estimate number for prepare fund!

    Thanks !
  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    That is a very difficult question to answer, even in Europe or N America.

    Do you want self tailing winches or conventional? welded aluminium mast fittings, stainless steel or cast? Cross cut dacron sails or tri-radial or laminate?

    When I built my similar Gypsy 28 I saved a lot of money by buying used spars and deck gear. But I spent more than the minimum on new tri-radial sails

    The most accurate rule I use for costing is to use my worst possible estimate and then double it.

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  3. trungpv
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    trungpv New Member

    I really do not know any thing about building a boat!

    Half year ago, I started reading any thing involve building a catamaran and registed for a sailing class.:D

    Everything: winch, cleat..... Absolute i have to import from EU because we can not buy in Viet Nam.(No one use sail boat in my country althout we have a warm sea & nice beach)

    So, I would like to know a medium number just for sail system: winch, jammer, rope.

    Thank you very much !
  4. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Actually you will find that some production boats are built in Vietnam and sold in N America and from a website

    "The combined entities of Corsair Marine International and Seawind Catamarans employ more than 220 incredibly skilled and dedicated staff with both brands manufactured in the continuously expanding factory headquarters of Southern Vietnam."

    Most sails come from SE Asia - China, Philippines, Thailand etc - maybe even Vietnam.

    So there should be no need to buy anything from the EU (except the plans of course! mine are available as downloads)

    Richard Woods
  5. trungpv
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    trungpv New Member

    Thanks for your help !

    I'm sure many factory in VN, but they export only, not sale in VN.

    Maybe I can buy from ThaiLand.
  6. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    Probably between $3000 and $15000 USD. If you have a lot to spend, you can spend it all. You can get custom carbon fiber laminate and really fancy lines and winches and all sorts of stuff.

    -I have no experience with this so I am only making a wild guess. I may be way off. I sail Hobie cats and little tiny boats.
  7. trungpv
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    trungpv New Member

    Thanks Rcnesneg!
    This will help me step by step reach the dream! This will help me consider :
    1. Kd 860 Catamaran body + sail system
    2. Kd 860 catamaran dody + electric motor + solar panel
    3. Kd 860 catamaran body + 02 yamaha 20hp outboat
  8. Vijay Krishna
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    Vijay Krishna Junior Member

    Hi trungpv,
    I am from India. Let me ask you if you are still active?
    I would like to know whether you built the KD860.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you don't have access to hardware and your budget is limited, one of the older Wharram designs would be better. They use a minimum of gear and rely on rope and lashings.

  10. Vijay Krishna
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    Vijay Krishna Junior Member

    They are cool boats but would prefer a closed deck cat.
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