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Corsair 2200 Catamaran Production Molds-Outboard center console fish/dive

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by otseg, May 16, 2014.

  1. otseg
    Joined: Jan 2007
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    otseg Junior Member

    Production Molds to build this awesome Power Cat. Asking price for production tooling half of the cost of a boat. Inquiries from Miami, California, Dubai, Vietnam, England and France so far. They won't be available at this price very long.



    The Corsair Foiler 2200 The first in a series of foil-assisted power catamarans, Let it take you everywhere you want to go fast (to 50 mph), smooth (no more pounding) and trailer able (easily, and it doesn't require a super-sized SUV). You can build many different layouts with these molds. These are professional production molds. Boat buyers are standing by.

    Strength and performance.

    The Foiler 2200 incorporates the latest in catamaran technology for strength and performance. Sporting dual 90hp outboards, this high-performance, multi-purpose catamaran skims smoothly over steep, short seas. The Foiler 2200 raises the bar by incorporating advanced hydrofoil, hull shape and construction technologies not available in any other boat. The key to the outstanding performance and efficiency of the Foiler 2200 is the unique hydrofoil technology. The hydrofoil and hull work together in a symbiotic relationship, enhancing performance, ride and handling to a new level. Additional benefits of the hull and hydrofoil system include a dryer ride and less wake, resulting in great fuel savings.

    The boat may be built without the foil if preferred.

    LOA: 22'0" 6.7m
    LWL: 19'3" 5.9m
    Beam: 8'6" 2.59m
    Draft (rigged to fish): 1'1" 0.34m
    Weight (w/twin Honda 90s): 2,920 lbs. 1,324.5kg
    Transom Dead rise: 24 degrees

    Included is complete documentation with Bills of Materials and assembly procedures.
    Mold inventory is believed to be correct but not guaranteed.

    22’ Hull mold
    22’ Deck mold Foiler with forward seat box, and lids
    Anchor box/ bow pulpit plug with lid mold
    Two small bait tank molds
    Anchor hatch lid mold
    Med. fish box lids
    Stringer molds about 20’
    Bulkhead molds (7)
    Center harness mold
    Gas fill molds (2)
    2 fuel tanks 56 gal.
    @ quantity of 10' aluminum hydro foil material

    YouTube videos pilot house version

    Will ship internationally consolidates to 10' wide x 31' long x 10 ' high.

    Jim Gardiner
    Compmillennia LLC
    Washington, NC 27889
    (252) 628-8065 office

    Attached Files:

  2. otseg
    Joined: Jan 2007
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    otseg Junior Member

    This is a great boat. They need a new home.
  3. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

    I see that I did not post the price. It is $35,000 US Dollars.
  4. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

  5. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

    I am getting several inquiries a month regarding the 22 cats. This would be a good start for someone to jump into the buisness.
  6. aqua.mar
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    aqua.mar New Member

    Hi, are you still having the molds??
    if so could you please send me more information about them to aqua.mar@live.com
    Thank you
  7. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

    I really like this boat. The designer Pete Melvin really likes this boat. He has one for his own family. You will really like this boat as does everyone who ever owned one.

    We are building a 90, 70, 64 and a bunch of 39's so bringing this gem into production is not in my future. The molds are a bargain. Buy them!
  8. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

    I had not considered this before an inquiry suggested it. With some work it may be possible to fit the molds into a container, especially economical for overseas shipping.

    Alternatively they could be loaded on a flat bed trailer, and shipped in a Ro-Ro.
  9. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Forgot how I happened upon your subject thread here, but I looked up your company and found it rather interesting.

    I am surprised that no one has bought your molds there??

    I sent you a private email a few moments ago,...about another project.
  10. otseg
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    otseg Junior Member

    I am surprised too.
    We got a quote to have a plug and mold fabricated for our recent catamaran design. Its $200 / sq / ft.

    That makes just the hull mold replacement value alone $50,000.
  11. yanivmass
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    yanivmass Junior Member

    22 cat molds

    Pleas send me parts list and price
    many thanks
  12. otseg
    Joined: Jan 2007
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    otseg Junior Member

    The information you require is posted in the thread.
  13. Pirate22
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    Pirate22 New Member

    Are these moulds still available?
  14. otseg
    Joined: Jan 2007
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    otseg Junior Member

    The Molds are Still Available

  15. carolinasuncatcher
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    carolinasuncatcher New Member

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