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CORROBOREE will be For Sale--soon!

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Eric Sponberg, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. Eric Sponberg
    Joined: Dec 2001
    Posts: 2,022
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    Location: On board Corroboree

    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    We are approaching the end of our circumnavigation with Corroboree. We hope to “tie-the-knot” on our round-the-world route in Grenada come mid- to early June 2023, just three months away. Corroboree is my very first professionally commissioned design (1984-85) and is very similar to and of the same vintage as the Gary Mull designed Freedome 36.

    We intend to pick up our shore lives again, and that means that Corroboree should pass onto a new and caring owner. While Corroboree’s availability for sale begins in the Caribbean, we understand that a buyer may want to see her back in the US before committing to a sale. We are prepared to deliver Corroboree to south Florida if necessary to facilitate that process.

    We have written out the “Corroboree For Sale” specifications in the attached document. Our asking price of US$64,900 is comparable to similar Freedom yachts of this size and vintage. Corroboree was built in New Zealand in 1986-87 of wood-epoxy, Western Red Cedar and Kauri. Kauri is a type of pine indigenous to New Zealand and is now quite rare. Kauri is no longer available for boat construction. Corroboree is quite well equipped, and we do expect to negotiate a suitable final price based on a qualified marine survey and inspection.

    You will see that we do not expect Corroboree to necessarily go onto anyone who has dreams of circling the globe. Corroboree was designed for relatively protected waters such as the Great Lakes, and she would be quite suitable for calmer regions along the east coast of the US. Corroboree has been a remarkable boat and has served us well for our 6½ year voyage. But it is now time that she goes to a new home, to someone who will take good care of her in a welcoming environment.

    We will be leaving Cape Town soon (early March 2023) to cross the South Atlantic Ocean. We will be out of conventional internet range for the next 5,700 miles, but from mid-March we can be reached through our satphone by text, voice, and email as follows:

    Satphone: +8816-52426206 (text)
    To speak by voice, send your telephone number in a text, and we’ll call you back. It is cheaper for us to call you than for you to call us at this number.

    Primary At Sea email: corroboree827@myiridium.net
    Back-up At Sea Email: sponbergryan@myiridium.net

    You can track the final stages of our voyage in real time on these websites:
    PredictWind: SV_CORROBOREE https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/SV_CORROBOREE/
    Garmin: Garmin Explore™ https://share.garmin.com/CORROBOREE

    Eric and Arliss
    SY Corroboree
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Cape Town mobile: +27 663 871390 (text and voice)

    Attached Files:

  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    What a wonderful resume for Corroboree!
    For some reason I cannot hit a 'like' button in this Marketplace Forum, so I just had to scribble a wee note instead.
    I have a feeling that folk will be queueing up to purchase your fine vessel in Grenada when you arrive, once the word gets out that she is for sale.
    I would be in that queue if time, physical fitness and $$'s allowed.
    I have told somebody else here about her, and I think he might want to join the queue as well..... :)
  3. Eric Sponberg
    Joined: Dec 2001
    Posts: 2,022
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    Location: On board Corroboree

    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    Thanks, Bajan, that’s what we need. Our email contact while at sea is corroboree827@myiridium.net.
    Cheers, Eric

  4. Eric Sponberg
    Joined: Dec 2001
    Posts: 2,022
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    Location: On board Corroboree

    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    We are done! Circumnavigation complete. We are back in Port Louis Marina in St. George's, Grenada. We'll be here for a few weeks prepping to return to Florida. In the meantime, Corroboree is now for sale. We welcome any and all inquiries.
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