Corrisionx vs CRC

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Danob, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Danob
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    Danob Junior Member

    Hello, i'm new to this site and boating, not sure if this is the proper forum but trying to find out what is better to put on the gas engine parts and electrical after wire brushing and cleaning up, corrosionX or CRC. Also should I paint before applying inhibitor or after? And is it a good Idea to turn off all battery switches before spraying?

  2. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Seems the paint might stick better if you apply it to a clean surface.
    CorrosionX and CRC are both oily substances, will shed paint nicely.
    As for the battery switches, You asked, so I think you know...
  3. Danob
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    Danob Junior Member

    Thank you kapnD!
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