Converting inboard to ouboard

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Sulaiman, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Sulaiman
    Joined: Mar 2018
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    Sulaiman New Member

    Hi Everyone, i have found a listing for a 1977 36-38 feet hull which i am interested in bringing to life. The boat originaly was designed for inboard engines, which were then replaced with outboards.However it is currently a plain empty hull that needs full fiber repairs, painting/wiring/etc, basicaly everything. Does the conversion to outboard affect the balance of the boat? Is it too risky to go through such extensive lengths or can it be restored to brand new condition? Also if you know what exact brand this boat is, would be of great help. So far all we know is it is from the UK. Thank you.

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  2. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    some photos of how it was converted might help, both the current inboard place and outboard mod.

    I think the weight relocation would be fine, especially if you are working with an almost blank slate as far as rest of build out.
  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    This is a fairly common conversion and it's "center of masses" dependent. Simply put, you'll need to do a reasonably accurate weight study to get the CG roughly where it needs to be, so the performance envelop isn't altered to radically. Typically this means moving tank(s), batteries, etc. to realign weights so she balances out about the same as she did previously. Additionally,structurally some additional alterations and modifications will need to be addressed as well. Tanks where the inboard used to live, batteries maybe forward of this are common alterations, as are transom/stringer framing and/or bracket knees may be necessary.

  4. JSL
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JSL Senior Member

    Par has it right.
    One other matter is sufficient propeller blade area so the power is efficiently applied. With a 38' boat you can almost bet that you will need 3 engines or possibly 4. Could be a complicated installation. Talk to the engine mfr as they have probably got lots of experience........ or better have!
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