Converting a Race Boat into a pleasure Boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Rick_K, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    I also posted this on Serious Offshore but I'm posing it on this site in the hopes of getting some ideas and builders input.

    This is my current race boat, It's fun and fast; but with the F16 Canopy it's next to impossible to play with on the weekend. The throttle man sits behind the driver and it's a handfull to dock in the wind.

    For racing it was fine, I always had people on or around the docks and a skilled driver, but.. times change.

    I Would like to cut and build it into a 4 person canopy race, poker run and play boat. If I cant build the canopy safe it will just be converted into a "open" boat.

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  2. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Step 1 was cutting.. I busted out a saw and removed the F-16 Canopy

    *F-16 Canopy, lids and hardware forsale, contact

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  3. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Once we removed the F-16 canopy I began to 'un-rig the boat by removing all the power, pumps, lines, roll bars, seats, radios and what not.

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  4. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Now with the rigging removed I opened up the safety sell to it it's max width.

    *Check how this this boat was built, not to mention It has 2 100 gallon aluminum fuel tanks. Why it needed fuel tanks this large I have no idea, most races only last 45 min to 1 hr depending on the water conditions.

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  5. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Once every thing was removed we measured out the distance we would need between the throttleman and drive. This required us to open up the safety cell 6.5 inches on each side.

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  6. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    First problem i came to was the floor. The fuel tanks are 2 inch's higher than the main floor and lowering the tanks is no option so I have to raise the floor 2.25 inch's to sit a little over the fuel tanks.

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  7. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    I than mocked up a cardboard windshield to help give me an idea on seat placement and hight needed.

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  8. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    All above work was done a Sunday, so I feel we got a good jump on the project. This Sunday (yes Super Bowl Sunday) I glass grinding and grunt work begins with building new bulkheads for a safety cage to rest on.
  9. Itchy&Scratchy
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    Itchy&Scratchy Senior Member

    Hey Rick

    Keep the pics coming please, looks like an interesting project.:)

  10. Obsession
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    Obsession Junior Member

    Great project indeed - looks like she was a wicked race boat, but I can see how that would be difficult to use for fun. Can't wait to see her transformed! I haven't seen anyone try to form their own canopy "glass" - and they seem to cost a bloody fortune.

    Keep the pictures coming! Following this thread with interest!
  11. Kaluvic
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    Kaluvic New guy

    I'm holding my breath waiting for the next up-date...keep-em comming project.
  12. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    You need to keep in mind that I can only work on the boat on Sundays and not every Sunday either. I have 2 kids that both race BMX, play travel Soccer and me working on another race boat.

    This is going to be a long project. :confused:
  13. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    This weekends work 2/7-2/8

    Today was a cut and grind day..

    First I cut out the seat base

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  14. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Next I began to build 2 new bulkheads on each side to support a roll cage if I decide to go with a canopied boat.

    I just cut small chunks of cardboard and taped them into shape. I than transfered that shape to 5/8 plywood.

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  15. Rick_K
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    Rick_K Junior Member

    Everything fit right into place.

    Than I built the "walls"

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