Convert No-EPA fuel tank to EPA

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cacciatore, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The venting was the problem @Cacciatore . See, EPA did not want open vents, and they didn't want tanks that fuel vapors could leak through. So they made changes to the tank requirements AND the venting rules and so a retrofit tank can be EPA compliant in a non-EPA compliant fuel system.

    what a lark
  2. Cacciatore
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Cacciatore Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

    Thanks for reply, so the solution is to build aluminium tanks and use Perko Fittings Epa compliant like diurnal valves, canister, deck filler etcc.. No possibility to find permanent bladder with epa Fittings right? Epa rules are mandatory also for imported boat? Private or dealer do you think are there differences?
  3. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Stick with the plan to follow epa. If you try to import and avoid following the rules; it is one of those things you'll regret.

  4. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    You still haven't answered these questions. For new boats being imported into the USA for the purpose of sale, then the fuel tank AND the fuel system must meet the EPA requirements. I am assuming this is a gasoline (petrol) powered boat.

    If this boat is being imported for your own use, not for the purpose of sale and it was built before January 1, 2012, the it does not have to meet the EPA standards.

    How does Moeller get away with selling both EPA compliant tanks and non-EPA compliant tanks? Simple. There are a lot of old boats built long before the EPA regulations went into affect. If they are simply replacing an existing tank, it does not have to comply. It only has to comply with the USCG regulations. For instance I have a 1972 Sea Ray that has an old Tempo rotomolded tank. If I need to replace it I do not have to buy an EPA compliant tank.
    USCG and EPA Guidline for fuel systems

    If this is a boat built after January 1, 2012, and you are replacing the tank, a metal tank doe not have to meet EPA evaporative emissions rules because it has no emissions through the walls of the tank. Plastic and fiberglass do. But the fuel system has to meet those rules because fuel hose does emit vapors. How do some boat have ordinary fuel fills? Because they only appear non-compliant. Somewhere in the fill is a valve that does two things, prevents vapors from escaping, and activates the automatic shut off on the fuel nozzle so you don't spill.

    Take a look at my fuel system pages Boat Building Regulations | Boat Fuel System most of it is explained there.

    And no, a fuel bladder in itself does not satisfy the EPA requirements.
    DCockey likes this.
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