Convert a JPG Boat Photo to CAD like drawing graphic

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by MotorCityBW, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    I apologize in advance if I’m using the wrong terminology. Or if this is the wrong forum section.

    I would like to know if there is a simple way to convert a JPG photograph of a boat into a CAD like image or structural line drawing.

    I don’t actually need a CAD file or anything like that. I just want a CAD-like representation of the boat for graphical purposes. This would be handy for my YouTube channel or website. It would allow me to make some layman design notes and present the boat hull in something other than a photograph.

    Specifically I want to convert a photo of the Albin 27 pocket trawler and maybe my Compac 16 pilothouse conversion project.

    I have read about using the LiDo camera function On my iPhone but I have not been able to get this to work too well with any app or software.

    Maybe all this is really a vector illustration of a boat hull? Which may still be beyond me

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Of course there is always a way to do it. It would be necessary to see pictures of the ship to assess the complexity of the transformation as well as to know which images you want to extract from the new generated model.
  3. Tiny Turnip
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    It depends rather on what 'CAD like' means to you. To me, a CAD drawing (as opposed to a rendering) would likely be a monochrome orthographic projection of linework, with dimensions, notes, perhaps specifications. Not really possible to produce from an inherently '3d' photo of a boat. However, it should be fairly easy to produce a line drawing (black on white, white on black, white on blue) in photoshop, using the filters available, and you could then add your own notes. I'm afraid my photoshop is far too rusty to offer detailed guidance however.
  4. Ike
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    I haven't done this, But I know most CAD software will import images, such as jpg, bmp, png, etc. I imagine it would be a lot like making a three view. You would need CAD software that can convert three view to a three dimensional drawing that can be rotated horizontally and vertically. On the other hand if you use a windows system Windows 10 comes with Paint 3D. Paint 3D will import photo images. I haven't tried going from a 2D image to 3D but it supposedly has that function.
  5. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Hello, are you looking to do something like this? Simple trace bitmap in Inkscape... compac_pilothouse_inkscape.png
  6. mc_rash
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    mc_rash Senior Member

    There are online-tools which converts pictures from different formats to CAD drawings.
  7. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    I think Im looking for something a little more like what Ike is describing. “Three view”?

    I’ve been able to do what you’ve done already. I can take a photo run it through photoshop and get poster edges or convert a photo to a line drawing.

    What I really want is to be able to capture the 3d nature of the boat shape with lines. Like I see done with new boat plans or renderings of concepts. But I don’t need the accuracy for measurements. Just visualization

    I want to be able to show the nature of the Albin 27 or the pilothouse sailboat project in 3d by turning it in space on a screen or something.

    This might allow me to point things in a video easier than a 2d photo. That was my reason for asking

    Concept renderings would be helpful.

    All this is just to find easier ways to explain my boat projects in video or to give a better understanding of the hull and shapes to the layman.
  8. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    So here’s a photo converted to a line drawing. I would erase the trailer. It’s not really what I’m looking for

    I want to turn the boat image or hull shape into a 3d shape so it could be rotated in space or show diff angles like in Rhino software.

    like this example Stylized Boat - 3D model by Art-Teeves

    It seems like I’ve read this can be done using the LiDAR camera function on an IPhone. You take LiDar pics of the object then create a 3d image then distill that down to a line drawing like for 3d printing or such( not sure what’s that final drawing is actually called)

    Attached Files:

  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you provide me with the main dimensions together with an image (photo or drawing) of the boat's profile, a plan image and a frontal image, I can create a 3D model of your boat in AutoCAD. There is a free application that will allow you to view the AutoCAD model, rotate it in 3D and much more, except modify it, with which you can create videos, take screenshots, etc...
    What information could you have?
  10. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    Really? Awesome. Thank you

    Sure I can provide a variety of things. I have designers drawings. Scanned of drawing from the original naval architect. I have photos of the boat on stands or trailer.

    I can even provide a drone flyover video that you could then pull screenshots from

    My email is on my YouTube about page. Or you can contact me by DM
  11. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    @MotorCityBW thanks for the clarification. There is software that 'scans' an object into a 3D image, but this is not done with one or a few simple shots. I forgot to compliment you on your website, nicely done for both the Albin and the Compac.

    I agree with TANSL, modeling from basic dimensions seems like the best way to get the desired result.
  12. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    Thank you everyone so much for the feedback and the help. I really appreciate it

    Tops - I suspected as much. It’s seems like an involved process. Thanks for confirming my suspicious
  13. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member

    IMG_5768.jpeg IMG_5767.jpeg IMG_5766.jpeg
    Still working this. I’ve experimented with LiDAR scanning of the boat using IPhone 14maxpro.

    Despite trying different apps they all seems to have similar problems capturing the form completely or allowing in app, in scan editing. From conversations with developers it seems to be related to the size of the boat relative to the LiDAR sensor and the distances from the object during the scan.
    I would be curious is a actual 3D scanner would yield a better scan that could be converted to a 3d line model
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2023
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Those 3D scanning results are very beautiful, impressive. But, if you want to do something constructive, instead I would take some profile photos, plan view, bow view, stern view and general dimensions well taken. With all that, very simple, very old fashion, it will be possible to do something worthwhile. My advice is to forget about the pretty things and go to the practical things.

  15. MotorCityBW
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    MotorCityBW Junior Member


    Tansl I appreciate your attempt to help me. But we spoke by dm and you said nothing further could be done with what i had. Thanks again.

    Your suggestion to get the original plans or the original naval architect input are great. But he’s dead. And although I interviewed Joe Puccia years ago before his death, and he donated to me all the old photos and line drawings he had, I don’t have actual lofting lines or anything more detailed. It’s all on my website.

    I can take photos anyway needed — and i offered that to you — you said it wouldn’t help. Btw The boat is almost 50 years old so my resources are the best there are for the Albin 27 to date.

    So now I have tried LiDAR again to scan the boat as a 3d image. I don’t know how to get that data or files into Blender or a 3d editor. Which seems like the software to get to the end result I need. I don’t know what files to work with or how to do it yet.

    I know this is done for small parts modeling, 3d printing, cgi etc

    LiDAR will make a scan from photos. But it does far better from a video scan which is what I’m working with. I also haven’t figured out how improve the scan to fill the gaps on the initial the scan pass. Is this a function of the iPhone vs a real scanner? Idk

    I’ve seen videos on YouTube demonstrating real 3d commercial scanners doing cars and small boats. But not a big boat yet. They use proprietary software and the price point ranges $1-5k

    I’m putting this post out there— not to post pretty pictures but to document my research and process about how I will eventually get to the results I want. I really do appreciate your attempt, but I have to keep trying.

    I’m hoping someone in the boating industry sees this and gets what I’m trying to do and can guide me or point me in the right direction. Or help me understand what can and can’t be done in my situation.

    I haven’t seen or found another boatdesign net forum post that explains this. So it seems worth while exploring. It might even be a great episode for my YouTube channel down the road.

    I’m sorry I wasn’t more clear. The output video is not designed to be pretty it’s simply the end result of what the apps have to offer and how far I’ve gotten thus far.

    I know exactly what I’m looking for and what I want. I just haven’t found someone yet who can help me.
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