Container ship on Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Ghost Boy, Jan 18, 2020.

  1. Ghost Boy
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    Ghost Boy Junior Member

    I know the L, B, D of a container ship. I wanna start a design in Maxsurf. In Maxsurf the menu which is quick start, there is no Container sample. What can I do? upload_2020-1-19_2-18-39.png
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Select a cargo vessel and modify it according to your ship's SOR.
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  3. Issa Aziz
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    Issa Aziz Junior Member

    Hello everybody,

    I am here to ask you about the maxsurf software. I need to design a Fishing trawler having length 31.8m. I do have my offset values and I don't quite understand why Maxsurf doesn't allow me to design my vessel. Would be appreciated if anyone could help!
    Many Thanks,
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am sure that it is not Maxsurf that "does not allow you to ..." but it is you who are trying to use the program improperly. Maxsurf cannot do anything with a table of offsets, you have to give it the 3D model that it can use. In other words, Maxsurf cannot adapt to you, it is you who has to adapt to the program. Luck.
  5. Issa Aziz
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    Issa Aziz Junior Member

    Okay, I tried adding "Markers" in Maxsurf according to the table present in it.
    And then I tried to "Fit curves" and selected each marker,then tried to join the Surface. But theres something coming up and I dont g,et it.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, now I understand you. The process of creating surfaces using the Maxsurf markers is very laborious, it is frustrating. After a lot of work, you get some surfaces and you can never be sure that they go through the points you wanted. I mean, they sure don't exactly go through those points. I recommend that you use some other program to create the 3D surface model and export it to Maxsurf.
    It is absurd for a designer to waste more time creating the model than doing the calculations. In addition, although Maxsurf calculates extremely well, it does so on a model that, if generated by Maxsurf, we are not sure that it is exactly the one of our boat, but this is Maxsurf
  7. Issa Aziz
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    Issa Aziz Junior Member

    Any other programme that you could suggest me? I have the software named ARQN which was suggested by you previously. Can it do the work?
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, ARQN tries, precisely, to speed up and simplify the creation of the 3D model so that the designer in the first place is sure that his model is exactly the one of his ship, and secondly so that he uses his time to think, design and calculate, and not in creating models.
    If you draw in AutoCAD the frames and the longitudinal profile of your boat I can do the calculations quickly with ARQN or try to create a model that Maxsurf can use. But he wants to warn you from the beginning, do not give me your table of offsets, give me the body lines plan.
  9. Issa Aziz
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    Issa Aziz Junior Member

    I can attach my Lines plan here. Please tell me if you find any mistakes in my Autocad drawings.

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  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The areas marked in yellow, especially the stern, must be modified. The plan should be greatly improved but, except for the aft area indicated, the model (once the stern has been corrected) could be sufficient to perform the naval architecture calculations.

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