
Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Wavewacker, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Wavewacker
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    A 50' Sea Ray Sundancer, '93, a used well cared for and pics look very nice.

    Any recommendationson this Sea Ray, known problems?

    It's being shipped to a lake in north Texas, so it's dry now, anything that should be done?

    Survey came in good.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  2. dpmulvey
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    dpmulvey New Member

    It's a great boat.

    Was the survey for the engines and hull?

    How's the bottom paint? There is a story in PMY about a new paint system that actually rejects growth. I'm not sure if it is for salt water only though. It's called international intersleek system.
  3. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    Otherwise antifoul cost your sun about a grant a year
    Cruising some distance easely drinks a ton a day
    but hell, what a boat, as liveaboard that could be heaven
    and as you/your sun is not posting pics yet i looked up
    that sundancer its the one with the real long fwd deck rite?
    kitchen, midcabin and rest comfortable enouch :D
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2011

  4. Wavewacker
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    Thanks, I told my son about the site, not sure he looks or has joined. I saw a pick of the bottom and it looked good. Nicely cared for.

    Thanks Yipster....I use a notebook and I have some loading posting issues. I should get the kids to fix it for me and put some pics in.

    That boat is the same. It really is a great liveabord with lots of room with two staterooms. Top side is pretty nice as well, a great party boat.

    One engine needs an overhaul but is operable, I believe this was addressed in the sale. The survey was for the boat and mechanicals and seem to have few issues, nothing with the hull or paint/gel coat is good.

    Just wondered if there were upcomming issues unique to the boat. It's going to fresh water, since it came from FA, I would assume that it has been in salt as well.
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