Conspiracy theories and lost opportunities (just for fun)

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by masalai, Dec 30, 2011.

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  1. masalai
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    masalai masalai will find you at the source of the essay that may assist in providing some interesting reading in this "silly season" where freezing and winter sports in the northern hemisphere of holiday season in the sun and surf for the southern lattitudes... It is just an offering to tickle your mind.... You be the judge as to fact or fallacy, but be entertained by the read I hope....
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Hammerhead and Tiger sharks now protected in Florida waters. I think its a shark-led conspiracy, because humans aren't protected in Florida waters. This must prove lawyers have very good tailors who can hide the dorsal fins.
  3. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Hi Hoyt,
    The other case may be that it is the domain of sharks (the oceans and canals), so those on land must be fair game... :eek:
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I don't eat sharks and so far they have kept up their end of the bargain. They have had the opportunity.
  5. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    but this, - - "This must prove lawyers have very good tailors who can hide the dorsal fins." - - sort of shark, - would not be missed if exterminated or fed to the water-dwelling kind... ?
  6. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I think they have some sort of agreement. I have never heard of an Armani wearing shark being bitten.
  7. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Yes, a massive conspiracy indeed. I remember it well. They wouldn't let me into thermo 101 until I'd signed up. The ceremony was really weird (In a cave, but really well lit. I never figured out how they did that):p

    I have to admit, though, that the different definitions in common use for engine efficiency and generator efficiency don't help matters. Any one can assemble a closed loop of generators and engines and (mistakenly) calculate an efficiency greater than one. Assuming they bothered to check that they really have a closed loop. Engineers have no one to blame but themselves for that; but we blame the scientists and marketing people anyway.

    Makes one wonder how a person can write sensibly and not understand how stuff works, though. Thank god they never did give us free energy. Can you imagine what a disaster that would have been?
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    When I was a kind I had a crystal radio. It had no batteries and no way to plug it in but I could still listen to the music. Learn more here: Since not all radio waves are anthropogenic (what a silly word) it is a source of usable energy as the radio waves can be converted to vibration and heat.
  9. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    The gutter on the corner of our house in Pittsburgh pulled in the Rock 103 radio station loud and clear. You could hear it in the livingroom. Made for a great haunted house gag.
  10. Bamby
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    Bamby Junior Member

    America will never be competitive…until Americans can compete for job openings in our own country!

    For 20 years now, Americans have been denied the opportunity to fairly compete for jobs which we are qualified for in our own country due to unfair corporate visa programs and immigration lawyers that “game” the green card system.
  11. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Read the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act - nothing to do with patriotism - part of a bunch of legislative changes to keep you all poor, under authority's control and subservient... Incarceration without any legal redress... Taxed to the hilt... and recently an act to ensure USA is capable of being perpetually at war to keep the war machines and other "vested interests in profit"... Is that a conspiracy? read your legislation carefully...

    Do those anal searches at airports make flying in USA any safer? I doubt it..... The purpose is to keep everyone subservient and controlled by ignorant and ill-educated "operatives" who love the power trip :eek: :eek: :p
  12. Bamby
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    Bamby Junior Member

    Hate to consider it, but due to relevant events in this administration one just hast to wonder:

    WASHINGTON (BP) 10/27/2012 Yesterday, following mass riots and demonstrations throughout the U.S., President Barack Obama suspended all national civil liberties and in several localities, ordered in units of the National Guard in an attempt to restore order. The President took these actions in response to the public’s outcry for order and stability. These actions also suspended the upcoming 2012 national elections which are scheduled to take place next month. In a speech to the country, President Obama commented: “ As a result of eight years of Bush Administration failed policies, our nation continues to face tough economic times with high unemployment, racial unrest, bank failures and the prospect of national bankruptcy. These events have caused fellow citizens and outside forces to take unfair advantage of our tenuous conditions. For these and other reasons, I announce today the suspension of all civil liberties until further notice. I take this action in response to the American peoples voices calling for me to take charge and restore civil order. I do so reluctantly”.
  13. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    That would not surprise me one bit. :(
  14. Bamby
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    Bamby Junior Member

    There will be a tremendous push to destroy the US Constitution and its constrictions on rule and government. The US government is in the process of being overthrown with the assistance of the president and Congress, and the American people do not have a clue as to what is going on. The US government has set up internment camps and authorized the arrest of anyone who disagrees with it. These edicts are sure to be followed by violence. The question is will the American military kill its own citizens? We hope not, because it is a battle they cannot win. This will be a battle for liberty and freedom and those guiding our fascist government will find there will be no Mr. Nice Guy this time.


  15. bntii
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    "Just for fun"
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