Consepto - Express by Blared

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by blared, Sep 22, 2024.

  1. blared
    Joined: Aug 2005
    Posts: 2,656
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    Location: Orlando

    blared ALFA

    Hello Boat Desing People
    Been a long time since i haven't posted anything, i wanted to share my project, i called it '' Express ''.
    it's a semi two stepped hull with no plans ( a new design project ) ( please don't ask about the math, i will let you know when it's official ).

    Been working on this boat for about 1,5 years now by myshelf with no help, it's been really challenging working with basic carpentery skills and tools.
    I'm now working on fiberglassing the hull, i will keep posting pics from start to finish when i get free time. Follow for updates.

    Attached Files:

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