Connecting new 33c cable to Yacht Specialties 63c Transmission Control

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by jkenan, May 15, 2023.

  1. jkenan
    Joined: Jan 2020
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    jkenan Junior Member

    I am repowering my 29' sloop from an atomic 4 to a Yanmar 2gm20F, and am having difficulty arriving at a solution for the transmission cable without spending a ton of $$. I would like to use the existing transmission control on the Yacht Specialties pedestal which currently is currently connected to a 63c cable linking the Atomic 4 transmission lever. Since the 63c cable is not long enough to re-route and make the turn backwards to the Kanzaki KM2P transmission - and probably should be replaced anyway - I want to run a new length of 33c cable to the KM2P, but cannot find any guidance on how to connect the new 33c cable to the Yacht Specialties control set up for 63c. Any suggestions?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The 33 is lighter duty than the 63. Otherwise, they make all kind of adaptors to fit about any application. Which end are you having an issue connecting. Also, does the shifter allow you to change the throw on the cable? If it does, reversing it will let you connect the cable without making a turn.
  3. jkenan
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    jkenan Junior Member

    Thanks - I know the 33c is lighter duty, and for the Kanzaki transmission, that is all that is needed. The 63c is 1977 vintage, was needed for the stiffer Atomic 4 reversing gear lever, is not long enough to make the turn aft for the proper approach to KM2P shift lever, and should be replaced anyway due to it's age. The connection of 33c to the KM2P is straightforward and I have the parts needed for that. I'm having issues devising the connection of 33c cable to the pedestal control, which is set up for 63c. I can't find any adapter kits, and the few chandleries I've contacted tell me no such kit exists. I am hoping someone has crossed this bridge before and can provide some guidance.

    Good question on the shifter throw reversibility - I don't think that is an option based on my memory (I'm not at the boat now, but will be tomorrow evening) - as I recall, things are so tight inside the YS pedestal, and the chain sprocket is behind the cable linkages - so I don't think that is possibility - but I'll confirm. That still assumes using the existing cable though, and I have concerns with how stiff it is due to it's age.

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is the cable attached with a saddle or in a bracket in a notch with a lock that pivots?
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