Concept artist needed

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Pedigreecats, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Pedigreecats
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    Pedigreecats Junior Member

    We are starting a new 86' Motor sailing Catamaran and have need for an artists help in its final look. Peter Zin brought us some great looks as well as Sasa Molosivich, but both have way to much work to help us tweak a look we are not really sure of yet.
    The hulls have been built, but the top side is still up in the air. We know where the mast is placed and sails as well as the front window look and side windows, but now they need to be put together.
    I would like to find someone closer to us that can maybe come here for a day and do some sketches before spending a lot of time going in a not quite the right direction.
    We are after the Stealth sharp lines, modern Euro auto look, but not to Star Wars. Peters breaks in the main salon top are great, but need to be worked in with the front windows. Same with the pilot house great ideas, but need to be working with what we will have there for front windows as well as aft exit to the deck up here.
  2. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    only whish I could stop by there to have a look, but yes, a local might be handy i hear
    having an argument with your artists again like I with a client i guess ;-)
    could be a good thing or a pedigree grows soft I just see on tv but that was about the britisch crown
    have to see what your talking about and see what cat that is but you didnt list your site here
    so checked the forum for Gary and checked your site
    still dont see but like to so give me an email or so, i'm interested
  3. CgarciaDesign
    Joined: Dec 2004
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    CgarciaDesign Junior Member

    Concept Artist

    Very interested and can help in working on the design layout and 3d. Send me an email to discuss your project in detail.

    Marine Designer
  4. P.Facheris
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    P.Facheris Junior Member

    Yachts designer

    This is something I may be interested in. Here is a link to my portfolio where you can see some of the work I've done. If it looks like what you are looking for get in touch with me.
  5. Pedigreecats
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    Pedigreecats Junior Member

    Whoops, thought my site was here Peter's work as well as Sasa's are both there at the botom of the front page. A construction slide show is about to be put up as we are started on this cat now. I think these are great, but a lot of time devoted to and idea or sample of their work and appreciated. I think that pencil sketches are in order first or at least section areas before hours are spent on something going in the wrong direction.
  6. Pedigreecats
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    Pedigreecats Junior Member

    The center consol sketches are what we wanted to have done, but after several $$$$$ seems that the artists don't understand. We have recieved everything but what we have asked for, the last, a bunch of square boxes drawn and a bill for $600 for that grade school approach. I see you are in Florida, we are really looking for some one a bit closer because after trying for about a year now to get someone to understand where we want to start before a lot of time is spent on a final drawing or concept that this cat will be built from.
    Thanks Yipster, we have talked some time ago. The "Judylan" power cat was built fron Dave Triano's concept drawing.
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Pedigree, there are some our concepts/launchings here. But we do not provide free sketches :)
  8. Pedigreecats
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    Pedigreecats Junior Member

    Thanks, we do not expect free sketches but do not like paying for ideas unrelated to what we need or hours spent drawing something only a mother would love. This is why we want someone closer, a sit down, we have had it before and it works well. It just seems that once we get something from someone they have no other ideas or wants to change it a bit for the client. Dave went off the deep end when the client wanted to change a simple thing "It can't be better than what I have drawn" we built it anyway, the way the client wanted it.
    I am not sure I am persuing this the right way, I am not an artist obviously and not as creative, but I know what I like and not everyone is driving a White VW, so I am not alone.

  9. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    You right; but we never show concepts that are not feasible. Usually concept should include come calcs and plan, not only eye-catching picture of 'something' :) Thus it takes time.
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