computer problem.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Frosty, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I have just bought a Toshiba C640 with windows 7.

    Some button down on the lower left shuts down the program and I loose all the work.

    Some times Ijust loose the picture but can click on the prog Icon and it comes right back, but sometime I loose the icon too. There are times thsat the page just shrinks but that can be easily enlarged again and I can continue.

    I have tried to find this button as I am a careless 2 finger typer and it has been suggested it was the FN key but yet it seems not to be.

    I have closed my eyes and typed every key in this area to find what it is I am doing.

    When I get this much words on the screen I start to save in case I touch this one button or 2.

    Any one know what it is?
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Make sure you aren't putting your mouse over the right hand end of the status bar (the one at the bottom off the screen), and having the Desktop spring up over your work.

    It got me a few times before I twigged.
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Yeah its something like that but Chrome shuts down --gone-- and I need to start chrome from scratch,--all work gone.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    ... or is it that Chrome is just hidden ? When it 'dissapears', just place your cursor over the Chrome Icon on the task bar, like he attached illustration, and see if a little 'window' shows up.

    If it does, then Chrome is still running, just minimized

    Attached Files:

  5. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    The icon for chrome is not there on the taskl bar at the bottom of the page.

    Some times it does that and yes I can click on to that and it comes back but sometimes and I don't know why or what does it, it just shuts chrome off.

    What I have to do us click on the chrome short cut on the work top and re start chrome and all previous work is lost.

    You might have something about where I park the cursor, ille pay more attention to that.
  6. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

  7. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Hi Frosty,
    Easy resolution to any "windows" problems, download and install 'Linux Mint' - it is free to non commercial users and comes complete with a very robust operating system, FULL office and internet suite and has a capability to play a movie from ANYWHERE. - (not just your "region" as determined by USA copyright BS.) - especially significant for international people as there is nothing worse than picking up a DVD from H.K., or Japan, or India, or Australia (all different regions for USA derived content.) and trying to watch it only to find that your computer is locked in to a different region. - - I can read and write in any MS / windows format, as well as Mac and create files in .pdf format and several forms of unix like formats relevant to Linux... A bit of a learning curve but in the long run - a far better option...

    I have become weary of Toshiba and some other brands because they add / insert their own layers of software which is no real problem if you do not travel and have your local service shop nearby... There are about 4 'mobile' computer manufacturers in the world, the rest is "badge engineering".

    Select your computer based on screen, CPU, memory and 'hard drives, DVD / CD burner/player options and integrated sound system and external mouse and how to kill the touch pad, (as brushing that with my thumbs or palm, annoys the hell out of me.), and do not use 'cloud' or Chrome as that relies on storing everything on the internet. - - (so you must be connected to the internet to operate/function reliably.), - - that could be the reason for your 'drop-outs'...

    Frosty if you want a DVD copy send me a PM with a postal address and I will send you a copy on a DVD...
  8. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    I wouldn't think this is a specific toshiba problem, more in the design than anything... Tape a piece of cardboard over the trackpad and see if that fixes the problem.

    My girlfriend has the same problem with a gateway nv53a, I couldn't reproduce the problem personally but when I booted up linux on it oneday, she didn't have the problem anymore, but in windows she does.

    I think it's a combination of the offcenter trackpad and the typing methods/placement cause your hand to do mouse clicks. So you could also turn off 'tap to click'...
  9. tinhorn
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    tinhorn Senior Member

    Don't rule it out, though. Several years ago (when I made my living on the internet) I replaced a burned-out Thinkpad with a Toshiba. The Toshiba wouldn't hold a candle to the old Thinkpad, and research revealed that Toshiba had released a product with KNOWN issues of incompatibility with Internet Explorer.

    I was dreaming about boats at the time.
  10. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    I agree with you 100%

    But Frosty is also using chrome and in this day and age, probably one of the few apps he's using thats requiring him to type, the browser. (to know for sure, he should use a text editor to type his messages, this will eliminate browsers)
    The button somewhere on the bottom left is indication of palm placement on the off set trackpad. Add that to a finger flare placement of the shift key or windows key while tapping with the palm can result in text resizing and any number of things... I'm willing to bet his Last laptop had a trackpad center to the screen.

    Just my opinion of course.
  11. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    So-- I could disable the touch pad and use an external mouse, strange that they actually gave me one for free Hmmmm.

    Is not what I would choose to do as I am now used to the touch pad after many years of it.

    Thing is its such a rare problem I cant remember when It last did it, probably days ago.

    I thought some one would say something like --Oh your pressing FN and z key--twice!!!

    But --sigh -- not so simple.
  12. Minusadegree
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    Minusadegree Junior Member

    disable the the tap to click aspect, won't disable the hole pad in its functionality aspect. The click buttons below the pad will still function irregardless, the trackpad will work like a tradtional, well trackpad; just won't click when tapped.

    Just try my little trick above and the results will tell you human or hardware and we can go from there :)
  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I dont understand disable the tap to click. If I disable that then I cant do anything.

    What if I told it to accept a double click --ive seen that somewhere.

  14. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Plug in a mouse (with no balls but a red light to read movement over any plain surface) to a spare USB port, then disable the touchpad......... :D :D
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
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