Composite Design Papers

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mudsailor, Oct 12, 2024.

  1. mudsailor
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    mudsailor Junior Member

    I have a 3” binder full of older papers on fiberglass design (nothing hi tech, all good old polyester and glass). Includes:
    Owen’s Corning - Fiberglass Design Properties
    Owen’s Corning - Joint Configuration
    Hatteras - Engineer Design Guide 1981
    Koelbel - Dsign of High Speed Craft 1995
    Heller - Structural Design of Planning Craft
    Reichard- Load TestingFRP panels
    Johannsen - Aires Sandwich Design
    Reichard- Core bedding

    and some more , good stuff, don’t work in marine anymore and no need for it,

    pay the postage cost (from Portland, OR) and it’s yours, if not in the recycling it goes
  2. mudsailor
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    mudsailor Junior Member

    Ok, in the recycling it goes
  3. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Just donate them to a local library and make a index for boat building, even if being old plastic fiberglass some of that knowledge can be applied to other materials as wood
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
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