Composite design calculations

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by erikhaha, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. erikhaha
    Joined: Sep 2007
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    erikhaha Junior Member

    I have searched threads on here and I was unable to find any similar threads with the information that I am looking for.

    I am interested in design of composite beams, specifically wood and fiberglass. I do not want to use scantlings, but rather calculate the required type of glass and number of layers needed to resist the applied moment.

    I am very familiar with structural design of isotropic materials and I am looking to expand my knowledge base of composite design.

    Does anyone have any good recommendations as far as textbooks or online resources about designing composite beams, or other structures, or fiberglass and or carbon fiber ?

  2. tspeer
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  3. erikhaha
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    erikhaha Junior Member

    Thanks tspeer. The .pdf composites is really helpfull.

    I assume that the design of wood and fiberglass structural elements would be based on allowable loads, which are based on laboratory test results, which is similar to wood design, ASD.
  4. Eric Sponberg
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  5. Red Dwarf
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