Compac 16 rig change/modification

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by curttampa, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. curttampa
    Joined: Mar 2020
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    curttampa Junior Member

    Im looking at a Compac 16 project to replace the void selling my Compac 27 has left. I’ve always thought they were salty beyond their shortcomings. The shoal keel is well documented to be no friend to pointing. Some mods were done at the factory to help correct it: foiled rudder, bowsprit, and some minor differences in sail sqft between Mk1 and Mk2 models. When I look at the stubby sail it screams yawl or mizzen in some configuration. I know this is likely a bad idea for several reasons but none I can explain in sail theory. Im curious to hear opinions and more importantly considerations that might weigh more that it would just look good. I’ve done some basic reading and studied sone small boat yawl designs. I just simply have a thing for traditional double masted little boats. I’m surprised I haven’t seen one added on the C16. I’ve seen a few added bowsprits beyond the factory 18” version seem to share the classic vision I have in my minds eye. One even managed a staysail. The input I’m looking for is sizing, mechanical load concerns and both standing and running rigging. Im up for the fabrication and modification to the main boom length and required new sails. Obviously there would be a modification to the tiller - maybe a split yoke style or a bridge of shorts for the mizzen above the tiller. Excuse the first pass doodle - if I get just one “go for it” I’ll spend sone energy drafting some CAD. Thanks!

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  2. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    Seems likely that it would have been tried before.
    Do you have any other boats similar size in mind with the intended rig for comparison?

    PS I say go for it! ;)
  3. Will Gilmore
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    20180219_141817.jpg 20180228_170735.jpg
    Clark Mills built a 16 with a jib, himself. No mizzen, though. My father bought her from him, named her Puff and sailed from Clearwater to Bath Maine.

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