Combine Hull and Bulbous in Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by Pedro_H, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. Pedro_H
    Joined: Apr 2024
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    Pedro_H New Member

    Hello! Im new to maxsurf modeler and im trying to do a AHTS model for college project. I have create a AHTS hull and for the project, we need to test different bulbous in the same hull. So i created 2 file (.msd) and one we have the hull and other the bulbous. When i tried to combine both, the maxsurf
    interpret as 2 different "Hull". There is any way to trimm part of the hull and add the bulbous?


    I tried to test open the archive with both in the maxsurf resistence but it didnt work out.

    Attached Files:

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  2. silvestre
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    silvestre Junior Member

    The documentation doesn't answer your question?
  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Check your surface direction vectors. And make sure your nodes are within the gather distance.
  4. Rodolfo Francisco Rioja
    Joined: May 2024
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    Rodolfo Francisco Rioja New Member

    Hello Pedro_H, when working with two different .msd files, one for the hull and the other for the bulb, then you must open them together in the same .msd file to be able to view everything together (always respecting the same reference zero point).

    If you need to trim part of the hull with the bulb, you must make sure that the cutting contour (curve intersection between the surface of the hull and the bulb) is perfectly closed. Otherwise, you will not be able to trim the surface. Even if there is a millimeter in which the contour is not closed, the program will not trim de desire surface.

    In order to view the cutting contour and verify if it is perfectly closed, you must use the following command (the cutting contour will light up in yellow).


    First make sure that the trim option is turned on in the Display window:


    If you comply with these premises, you will be able to trim the part of the hull you want, achieving continuity and smoothness in the lines.

    I hope it has been helpful to you. If you want to learn more about Maxsurf Modeler, modeling techniques and use of basic commands, I invite you to participate in the course of which I am Instructor at Navalapp (Maxsurf Level 1; and we are currently working on level 2).

    Maxsurf 1 – Navalapp
    Pablo Sopelana and Tops like this.
  5. Pedro_H
    Joined: Apr 2024
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    Pedro_H New Member

    Thanks for the help, it was really helpful!

  6. Rodolfo Francisco Rioja
    Joined: May 2024
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    Rodolfo Francisco Rioja New Member

    I'm glad Pedro_H that you found it helpful!
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