Color help quick!

Discussion in 'Materials' started by mrbcurry1, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. mrbcurry1
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    mrbcurry1 Junior Member

    I am looking for 1954 ford green. I know that ill have to mix it myself I say but not sure what colors to go with with. here is a link to the color of gel coat that I am looking for. I am doing this on a racing body for a little boy, his great grand father use to race late models and this was the color he used at that time. thank you for the help!
  2. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

  3. mrbcurry1
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    mrbcurry1 Junior Member

  4. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    What ? You build Fg kart bodies...and you are asking me:confused:
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You should be able to tint neutral gelcoat the same as any other paint base. Even Ford couldn't match paint batches exactly, so it will be close enough.
  6. mrbcurry1
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    mrbcurry1 Junior Member

    Yea I was asking you, I was not aware the could tint gel coat. I buy my gel coat the color I need but I have had no luck finding the color, that is why I was asking the question. I've only been doing fiberglass about 6 months so I am still learning the ends and outs. Learning by myself, teaching myself off of what I have read on here, you tube.
  7. mrbcurry1
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    mrbcurry1 Junior Member

    Thanks bud long as we get it close. Ill call and see if they can tint it for me to match it.
  8. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    Gelcoat can be tinted. But a polyester based pigment should be used (or have the fun of grinding powdered pigments into base resin).

    There are companies where you can send a colour swatch (or the number of a RAL colour or perhaps other colour system) and get gelcoat in the desired colour back.

    We do it regularly at MC Technics in Belgium.
  9. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Well I have done zero glassing.
    I got you the paint codes in 2 seconds via's a good web site you should try it.

    Seeing as there are no cars using gelcoat,if tinting is problematic it makes sense to prime and paint the thing....

  10. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    I have taken white gelcoat to a Napa Auto store and had them match a color and mix it using my gelcoat. I guess they just used regular paint pigments. People told me it could be done, I wasn't sure about it but I needed the stuff quick, so I did it, it matched perfectly and I got paid.
    If you lay up those cart bodies using plain resin first instead of a gelcoat, after you take it out of the mold you can then prime it and paint it with auto paints however you want, just like a car. You need the first coat of pure resin first though, and let that set up a little, otherwise you may end up with tons of pinholes.
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