Colin Childs 35 Feet Steel Sailing Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wouter, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Wouter
    Joined: Nov 2016
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    Wouter New Member


    I literally cannot find any information in regards to Colin Childs 35 feet Steel Sailing boat!! Can Anyone assist me with this or know where I can find drawings or info about this boat?

    Hi I have just bought a Colin Childs 35 Feet steel boat and want to get as much info as possible on this boat. I want to restore this boat.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

  3. Wouter
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    Wouter New Member

    Mr Efficiency


    This looks to me as this is the same boat . I still have a problem with the layout of the water and fuel tanks , on the deck the mast connection the base wood are rotten can I replace without removing the mast ? Are there a special way to paint a boat ore will a 2K paint be good ?

  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Others here will know far more than I about the mast situation, the painting is a little more in my area of knowledge, I can say that in all painting, surface preparation is all important. Keeping that firmly in mind, the internet should have plenty of info about suitable paint systems to use on a steel boat.
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