Closed Cooling efficiency

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by 7228sedan, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. CatrigCat
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    CatrigCat Junior Member

    It should but sometimes the flow is not in the expected direction.
    Test for overheating with all the raw water valves to the accessories closed.
  2. ChrisN67
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    ChrisN67 Senior Member

    How does the flow change direction? The raw water circuit should have a pump?

    Consider spending $75 USD and put a water pressure meter on the raw water circuit.
  3. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    This is a good catch Powerabout,
    If the cap is not at the highest point, how would any trapped air get out of the system.

    We have not heard from the OP since late August
  4. CatrigCat
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    CatrigCat Junior Member

    As your engine revs, the raw water suction increases. Make sure your engine is sucking raw water from the chest and not air bubbles from the accessories pressure relief valves.

    Test it by closing the raw water valves to the accessories.

  5. 7228sedan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    Barry, sorry I missed your question back in October. As there was a discussion about the heat exchanger attached to a stringer, I had assumed that the discussion went in another direction. The cap is still the highest point in the system as the remote bracket places the heat exchanger roughly in the same height as if it were mounted on the motor. The hoses are lengthened and the mount puts the heat exchanger about a foot or so in front of the pulleys.
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