closed cell sponge foam rubber epdm as insulation?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by chowdan, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. chowdan
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Hey all,

    Winter is starting to really show its face and now that i'm living on a mooring ball full time, it appears condensation is starting to show on some parts of the hull.

    I'm looking at this product made by XCEL Rubber. They state its a "closed cell sponge foam rubber
    neoprene-EPDM-SBR blend", it also states its max water absorption is 5% by weight which is good in the event it gets wet some how. It sure seems like its close to Armaflex which was what Steve Dashew used onboard Wind Horse.

    Does anyone have experience with a material like this directly applied to the hull sides? Would be placed directly on the hull in between firring strips which it will then be covered by a thin piece of ply thats painted white to brighten up lockers. Probably also place some of that reflective bubble wrap stuff over the epdm rubber and then place the plywood over that.

    Here a link to the stuff i was looking at:

    Can't find a supplier for Armaflex and this stuff is available on Amazon, so figured it'd be easier to source then
  2. The Q
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    The Q Senior Member

    I've not used that stuff, but in the back of my landrover 110 I used closed cell camping mats behind the cladding , it certainly helped insulation and noise... Plus they are vastly cheaper..
    chowdan likes this.
  3. chowdan
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Wow now that is an idea i never thought of. I'll ahve to look around at camping and maybe yoga mats. I'd probably have to glue the adhesive ones anyways.
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