Cleaning Dust off of Laminating Gelcoat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Klink Sanford, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Klink Sanford
    Joined: Dec 2021
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    Klink Sanford Junior Member

    How does one clean dust off of brush applied laminating gelcoat before applying waxed gelcoat? I could not apply waxed gelcoat over the unwaxed for 4 days because of other pressing duties.
  2. Klink Sanford
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    Klink Sanford Junior Member

    Some parts didn't cure completely, washed soft parts with stainless steel wool pads and Xylene and used rags to wipe off as I go. After cleaning that way there is nothing sticky anymore, not the spots that had not cured completely and not the parts that cured completely and are slightly tacky ready for the final coat of wax gelcoat. Remember it was laminating gelcoat, it was applied with no wax. Can I just sand the rest off, or should I apply waxed gelcoat over the whole thing, then sand?
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You need to remove it completely, and get the mold completely clean.
  4. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Your window to successfully bond another layer of gelcoat closed three days ago.

    Remove any sticky spots however you can. They will just clog up sandpaper.
    Sand the hard stuff.

    The re-coat window is usually hours NOT days.

    Good luck
  5. Klink Sanford
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    Klink Sanford Junior Member

    Because it was unwaxed gelcoat, do I sand all the hard stuff off and start over again,
    or just rough the hard stuff up, and re-coat with waxed gelcoat?

    P.S.- It is not a mold, I am just brushing gelcoat on the edges of the deck of a boat.
  6. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Adhesion sand everything.

    But the soft won't sand.
  7. ziper1221
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    ziper1221 Junior Member

    Generally speaking, how bad does a bit of dust mixed in with a laminate affect the material properties?

  8. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Depends on the nature of the dust.

    Various powders or dusts are often added to enhance specific properties of the resin.

    Odd dust might only be a visual, texture or other cosmetic.

    Some contamination could adversely effect resin cure. Especially if acidic.

    Surface dusts may prevent the resin from touching the previous surface. This would cause bond failure.
    ondarvr likes this.
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