Classic runabout designs needed to electrify

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Algie Bennett, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. Algie Bennett
    Joined: Oct 2023
    Posts: 13
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    Location: Lymington

    Algie Bennett Junior Member

    Hi everyone, sorry for the delay, things have been ridiculously busy here.

    We went out for a test with the rowing chase boat company last week and the 15hp Mitek motor performed brilliantly exceeding their speed requirements although we have quite a bit of work to do with setting the boat up as it is currently very stern heavy. The custom 13" pitch prop also didn't arrive until that afternoon so we need to go back out and try that and some other options as well as moving the battery position much further forward - it might be that the entire deck actually needs moving forward as the hulls are dragging their transoms pretty badly at the moment.

    Also FYI, the weight info for the batteries I gave above at 135kg for the 300Ah was completely wrong - I was originally going to be using our standard batteries that weigh that but have been using our premium batteries which actually only weigh 46kg each for 150Ah making a total of 92kg not 135kg.

    I will update with more info as soon as I can.
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