Chrysler inboard motors

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by Bill55AZ, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    ;) gotcha. Old motor head here..there are a lot of folks don't know that there were two quite-different 318s either..the older ones being same family as those stout 361s..:D
  2. oktay Çemberci

    oktay Çemberci Previous Member

  3. Poly318
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    Poly318 New Member

    Century Boats used 440s in their 60s & 70s Coronado, Arabian & Resorter lines. You could also get a big block GM, and after some time in the 80s that was all you could get until those inboard lines were no longer made.

    Correct Craft used Chrysler & Ford engines in their 60s ski boats, their Barracuda used the Poly 318. Their Mustang model could be found normally with Ford power, but some LA 318 versions were an option into the 70s.

    As with most manufacturers, some engines could be found in boat models a year or so after that engine production run ended, as many manufacturers would purchase multiple engines & some of them would be found in later year's models.
  4. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Wonder how much is changed in the 17 years since the post was first started.
  5. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    The pair of 318s in my '74 Marinette are still running strong. Never been touched except for points, wires, plugs..usual tune-up stuff.
  6. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Well that's a positive note. Reality is as goodly portion of forum members are 60+ men (or so it seems when self reporting survey threads are up) sometimes when the old threads pop up it raises the question if the participants are still all with us.
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  7. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Just turned 65 myself...hopefully still got a few more years and a few more boats left in me. Working on the design for a new 45m fast ferry right now, in fact...
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I have a 1976 Slickcraft with a 360.
  9. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Chrysler were in the marine business they were all factory chrysler in Australia same with everywhere else.

  10. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I'm a youngster at 58. Maybe I should be more respectful of the elders.
    gonzo and BlueBell like this.
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