Chris Craft Barrelboat Model Rhino3D

Discussion in 'Software' started by mikejohn, May 12, 2018.

  1. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    How do I tidy up/trim the transom please? I tried to do it, but unsuccessfully.

    What is the easiest way to scale the model to 3ft? I can do it but there must be easier ways.

    I want to give the model a surface/skin thickness of about 10mm - how do I do that please?

    file attch

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  2. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    It looks like the "fillet" surface between the deck and sides is causing problems. Not sure exactly why though. Let me know if you need more assistance.

  3. DCockey
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  4. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    Thanks. I will try another model. The other two answers are very helpful - thank you.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Try this file. I find it correct.
    The problem, from my point of view, was how the surface of the transom had been defined.

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  6. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    Thank You :)
  7. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Mikejohn as DC pointed out the fillet has some issues it doesn’t match edges with the adjacent edge which can effect trimming as there could be leak points, there is also a control point which is in a strange position which is effecting the trimming of the fillet try reconstructing the fillet . Also the transom surface you created was not level across the model. See arrows

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  8. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    I drew a model boat from scratch. I tried offsetsrf but the result was not good. How do I go about it or is there some other way of giving this model a 12mm skin thickness? I tried copying and moving the surface 12mm in the file model12. It is better but is there a better result I can get please?

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  9. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Which version of Rhino are you using ?
    I find OffsetSrf a problem in V 5. It used to create all sorts of funny sections
    I had no trouble Offsrfing your sample file in Version 6.
    I have added another one where I joined the two surfaces, and Offset them with the Direction towards the insides. This gives more useful result.
    The hull surfaces should always be the outside of the hull dimensions if you are going to apply a "thickness"

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  10. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    I see. Well there's my problem, yes I have version 5. Thank you :)
  11. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Let me know how the edited reply with the two joined surfaces looks in version 5
  12. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Whoops, silly me. You may not be able to open a version 6 file.

    Here is a two joined surfaces Offset saved as version 5

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  13. mikejohn
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    mikejohn Junior Member

    Yes thank you. Vers 6 won't open in 5 as you say. There is a glitch in ver5 at the bow.

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  14. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    That "Glitch" is just a natural function of the process that is caused by the junction of the two surfaces.

    The other thing is, that you need to continue those surfaces past the bow on the initial design, so that when you do a Surface offset, you can "Cut" those extended Polysurfaces along the horizontal and the vertical keel line, to make a right angle join.

  15. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Mikejohn I had no problem with offset in rhino 5 but you do have a problem with your keel line, it is not straight, this will create problems, also try to keep the model on a zero axis, not off in space. Good housekeeping makes things work easier.

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