Chopper gun

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by janesci, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. janesci
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    janesci Junior Member

    I was thinking of purchasing a USA brand chopper gun for our GRP boat buildings and would like to know what makers we have in the market.

    Do you also think that it would be possible to have spray systems automated by the computer controls?
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    MVP is the major supplier of spray equipment to the industry, I wouldn't look at the other products out there.

    They can build you, or you can build, just about any level of automation into it that you would like, it just takes $$$$$$.
  3. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    thank you ondarvr, I will check their web site.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    A simple question =what the hell would you want to make the system computer operated for ?? what are you making ??? :confused:!

    Mpv is only one on the list of quite a few manufactures , then theres internal catalyst mix or external mix , high volumn or low volumn

    Its robotic systems you looking for and it is quite common with gelcoating , like making Bath tubs , the jet ski industry uses robotics for there manufacturing !! you would have to own a bank to buy one and have to be making thousands if any one itam to even contemplate wanting to get into what you looking for ??

    What part of Korea you in ??
    i lived and worked in Hwaseong near Suwon for a while 2007/8 and part or 2009 making racing Yachts and fishing boats . keep in touch !!
  5. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Hello Tunnels, I have recently develpoed an automated epoxy compound despenser and I am using this device for fairing and composite mold building for our small sized boat lines... thus I was thinking of bringing a new spray sys using similar methods.
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Im about to head out of China and home to nz after the xmass/new year and see a friend of mine , hes Korean and we worked together while i was in Korea , last i heard he was still there, but in Daegu , he is one very clever composites person .;)
    I hope to meet up with Eric and his family when i get back to nz . What sized boats you making ?? and how many ??obviously lots if you need Robotics !!:p
    But theres still a element of manual labour involved like all things associated with making boats !!:D
  7. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Hello Tunnels, thanks for the comments.
    I also had a work shop at Hwasung of which now closed. I am moving down to the South bound for bigger yard.
    Recently, I have finished 60ft CAT for export and some alloy work boats. The size I am looking at to build through robotic is abt 22ft spfb for export.

    yes. please keep in touch for potential.
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Am going to ask a silly question but have you used a chopper gun before ??

    Its the reason for me coming to china . The company bought a few container loads of equipment from a closed down boat manufacturer and amongst there stuff was chopper guns and gel coaters and lots other stuff . All gunked up with hard resin from never having been cleaned out when they finished using them . Its was a 100% total every nut bolt and washer had to be taken apart , cleaned and reassembled with new seals and packings O rings etc etc totally and rejuvinating the lot back to square one .
    Its all venus equipment , old but still works like it did when it was new!!
    The Venus equipment never dies it just keeps going and going for ever ! totally relieable and totally dependable and if looked after will out last any company no mater how much it gets used !!
    Then once finished there was no one that could use any of it so teaching time !! even after two years they still cant get it right ,so have removed the choppers and just used them as saturater resin spray only !! i dont know why opertaors cant understand the simple workings of the equipment and as for spray well that was a joke and after hours and hours of standing and showing and repeating myself till i couldnt speak any more he still didnt get what it all about,the guy had no idea at all . May be im a little differant but when i first picked up a spray gun it took just 10 minutes to learn what and how to use !! but some guys just never get it ever, for some reason !!.
  9. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    tunnels, I understand what you are meaning. In other case, I have 7 spray guns paid dollors and am still using them for 7years now. Some are new but looks like another 10years I can use them. However, when I let others use my guns, mostly they brought it back in broken.. some people don't get about menuals, specs of the equipments. To me spraying is a attractive work but not for some others..
  10. LaurenPhoenix30
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    LaurenPhoenix30 Junior Member

  11. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I think im headed for Korea soon !! cant put a date to my wishs but want to see me friend !! hes close to Puson if you not to far away maybe we could get together over a non Chilli dinner some time :D
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