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Cheap Aluminum Suppliers for 6061 I-Beams, sheet, 1.5" tube - West Coast

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Michael Hyder, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Michael Hyder
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Michael Hyder Junior Member

    Can anybody recommend a cheap Aluminum supplier, North West Coast, Seattle area.

    Need to buy 6061 T6: 4" I beams, 1.5" tube and 0.125 sheet for a pontoon project.

    Also, looking for a used Motor, 60-100 hp, long shaft, 2 or 4 stroke, good cond.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. missinginaction
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    I'm not sure how you define cheap. Regardless there are many online metals suppliers. Just do a search for "6061 aluminum" and you'll see quite a few.
  3. Michael Hyder
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    Michael Hyder Junior Member

    thanks for the suggestion 'missinginaction'. Yes, I've found numerous venders on the internet and the prices are all over the place, which leads me to believe there may be "local" suppliers who have much better deals. Hence this post.
  4. cthippo
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    cthippo Senior Member

    Yes! Yes I can!

    I've been getting my metal at Zs Recycling in Bellingham. Despite the name they also carry new aluminum and have had most of the things i have needed in stock. A lot of it has been so cheap that I find myself buying extra "just in case" because it costs half of what i think it will. They also have a good selection of scrap at $1.50 a pound out in the yard. Been super happy with them.

  5. Michael Hyder
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Michael Hyder Junior Member

    Thank you 'cthippo'. I checked them out online. They are close to the Port of Seattle, which is awesome. I will give them a call to check their stock. Thanks again!
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